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Monday, February 11, 2013


     Today I write something that I feel led to say. It is about the injustice and hypocrisy of our current outrage over the deaths of so many children that were killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Truly, those children were gifts to their parents and their deaths were a crime and tragedy. Yet, I am amazed by the Hypocrisy and inconsistency exhibited by the leaders that are in power in this nation.
     The loss of those 20 children is nothing compared to the innumerable deaths that occur each and every year at the hands of doctors given license to murder innocent life by those same individuals who are now screaming about gun control and murder. Every year doctors in this land murder thousands of children legally, thanks to those same individuals, by aborting a pregnancy. We have gotten so bold as to play God and say when life is to begin. We can see through a sonogram and ultra sound that a fetus is in fact a child and even scientists agree that am em brio is a form of life but not a fetus? Really? Why? Only because it is inconvenient? We are smarter than that and know that all life begins at, what is the real reason to stop the pregnancy? Let's get real. In the case of a life threatening issue, then a decision has to be made as to when to deliver but God alone is the author of life and truly decides the day and time of each persons life. Will stopping a pregnancy really save a life if the mother's time has come or will allowing the baby to be born be a way for Father to bless the family with a continuation of life and love that would have been missing with the loss of a loved one? If a woman is raped and God creates life from that event...are we really to kill that life? Or was there a higher purpose for that creation? Father knows when to create life and He alone has the plan for better things. That child may be the means to healing for that woman that no amount of counseling or other family love can give. How about when the infant will be born with a defect. That's what we call it isn't? A birth defect or a defective child...come on. It's BROKE, so I don't want IT. How callous can you get. How selfish can you be? Really, some of the most special children in the world are those who are born 'defective' in the terms of the scientific community. Father may have been sending you a special blessing that you are aborting.
     Today we are murdering thousands of baby's, even partial birth murders, and our government has decided that we must provide the means for that to occur through our tax dollars even if it is against my religious beliefs. I could not justify killing a child while in a foreign land as a soldier. I do not know any soldiers who could have. Yet, now my very government is making me pay for women in my own country; who do not have the self control to not engage in sexual activities or use protection, to kill their unborn child resulting from their own actions. Not only is this morally wrong but it is murder in the sight of God. He created that life and the leaders of this country are making We The People accomplices to their acts of murder. God did not give them the right to help that woman to dispose of that child. He especially did not give them the right to tax us to pay to kill that child. I for one am angry that I am required to pay to taxes to kill unborn children. Where is the media's angry outcry over the millions of children who will never live life and be able to attend school? Who will never be able to ride a bike or a skateboard or know the love of a family or get married. Where's the outrage of  the Senate over the millions murdered for the convenience of those who do not want an infant?
     God's wrath is righteous and coming. We are a hypocritical peoples who are deserving of that which will soon arrive. All those prepper's should be crying out to God not relying on their own strength for even they will soon discover the futility of their efforts. God created this world and everything in it...He can destroy all things as well. As for me, Father is my strength and shield. His is the path that I walk upon. I will follow where that leads me until He calls my name.

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