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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hardened Heart

     In the Bible, there are only a few times that Our Lord 'Hardens' some one's heart. So does that mean the individual is predestined to be lost? This was one of the questions that has returned to me over and over, and honestly it is still a question that challenges me. For if an individual can be predestined to hell for actions that he will perform, then how can God be a God of Justice and Grace? If an individual is predetermined to live in heaven, no matter the sin, then how can there be true mercy and grace shown to all and why was it necessary for Christ to hang on the Cross? These are truly challenging thoughts that we try to explain away and more often than not attempt to skirt around than to face head on.
     Let's look at Pharaoh in the time of the enslavement of the Israelites. God sends Moses to be his emissary to Pharaoh's house. He tells Pharaoh that God is commanding him to let the Israelites go. Then the Bible states that God 'hardens Pharaoh's heart'. In other words, God ensures Pharaoh would not listen to them (Exodus 9:12, NIV). My issue with this comes from the fact that Pharaoh does not 'seem' to be able to choose his own path. God seems to have chosen for him and made Pharaoh a puppet to be used until such a time as God's plan came through to it's end with Pharaoh losing his army.
     Also, what about Judas? Was he predetermined to betray our Lord? How could God's plan be completed without the betrayal? So his complicity in this was necessary for the whole of the plan to come to God's desired end, right? Or is there still choice? Could Judas have made a choice? Did Peter have a choice when he was told he would betray our Lord? Or was that also pre-ordained as well? These are the questions that haunt the minds of greater men than me, and yet they still have not come to a simple conclusion...doubt me? Look at all the differing treatises written on the subject of predestination.
     Yet for all this, I choose to believe there is not a predetermined fate for anyone. For me it comes down to this, if I accept that even one person is predestined to spend eternity in heaven or hell, then it cheapens or calls into question the need for my Lord to have been sacrificed upon that cruel cross. Our Father would never have sent His Son to that cross if He had already predetermined who was to live with Him in heaven and who would spend eternity in hell. There would have been no need. God loves all His created children and would not lose any to hell. He therefore was willing to allow His Son to hang upon that cross.
     So how does that play into the hardening of someones heart? Father waits for and longs for His children turn to Him. He is also known as long suffering. Yet, even His patience has limits for He is also known as a God of Justice and Vengeance. When humans are stubborn and prideful, refusing to submit to His will, He eventually allows them to go their own way. This is what happened to Pharaoh. Pharaoh had been seeking the counsel of magicians and began to think of himself as a living god. You see he had been listening to Satan's lies and was deceived into believing that he could stand against God. So when Moses and Aaron came and spoke for God, Pharaoh would not listen because God allowed Pharaoh to believe what he wanted to believe. God had abandoned him to Satan's schemes and delusions. It was Pharaoh's own desires, lusts, and vanity that caused his fall.
     Well that was not what happened to Judas, you say...and you would be right. Judas was tempted by Satan as well though. Satan is the father of lies and deceit. He knows what you crave most and will tempt you with it. Judas was tempted with money. Jesus while on earth taught of the corrupting power of money more than any other subject. Judas had a choice to make, he could choose to sell Jesus or he could decide not to and soften his heart to God. Judas fell to this and sold his master for 30 pieces of silver. The question must be asked,"Did his actions condemn him to hell at this point?" I say no. For if that was so,  then would Peter who also betrayed Jesus and denied Him 3 times cursing, not have ensured his own place in hell? No, I do not believe that Judas' actions to this point would have ensured his condemnation. Judas ensured his place in hell by trying to blame others and by his own hardened heart. It was this difference that allowed Peter to be saved. Peter, understood that he sinned and had repented his sin not hardening his heart to Father. Therefore he was redeemed and Father was able to use him as a Man of God.
     What is the application for us today? Well number one, we are not predestined to be Father's children and therefore we have to always watch out for what we say and do. 1Cor 9:27, Paul talks to this as he discusses the need to continually discipline himself so that he would not become lost. If he, one of the Apostles, was concerned with falling away then how much greater is our need to be on guard against this possiblity. Our nation believes the lie that we are the Greatest Nation that has ever been, and our Politicians believe that they are the elite of our society. This nation was built upon faith in the One True God. He is the God of Abraham and Isaac. We have forgotten this and have moved to remove Him from our lives as Pharaoh did or replaced him with money and lesser gods as Judas did. Either way, we are no longer listening to Father or His Spirit that lives within us. God is a God of mercy and grace but He is also a God of justice and vengence. When someone states that a loving God would not allow good people to be murdered at a theater. I ask, "truly, did he put the weapon in that man's hand and tell him to pull the trigger? No, Satan did that just as he told Pharaoh not to let the Israelites go." Did God not show up in all the outpouring of hope and assistance that was sparked from the event? But we do not attribute that to Father. We say that we did this. God shows up and we say He was not there. Why? Because we listen to Satan's lies, which we have learned to hear and believe in more easily than the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, our leaders are men and women of little or no faith and like Judas are betraying us to Satan. They are listening to his lies and schemes. They are willing to trade our freedoms for 30 pieces of silver. Yet that is not even the saddest part. We The People are just as complicite as those we elected into office. We have the right and obligation to ensure that they adhere to the laws and Constitution that our founding fathers wrote down so many years ago with the guidance of our Lord. We The People have put our head in the sand and hope that because I do not see the danger that it will pass without eating me. We are allowing our rights to be taken away by those who we elected to serve us and we sit quitely by and smile as it happens. I have even heard that some individuals are already saying, "What we need is a benevolent dictator." To that I ask, "what is a benevolent dictator? I have never even heard of such. Name one in history...enlighten me please. Hitler was not one. Napoleon was not. Who can name a Dictator that was benevolent to their people?
     There is no governing system in the world that has ever been founded such as what we have experienced as a peoples and we have been successful as a nation because of our FAITH. Not because of our standing army or navy. Not because of our own strengths or wisdoms. No, Father used 3 carriers in the Pacific to defeat the Imperial Japanese Navy. He used a lesser experienced force to defeat the Axis. What we had was a strong FAITH and belief in Him and His faithfullness. We lost that in the years since. We have not been a nation of Faith but of secularism and hedonism. We are more concerned about our own greed and lusts than following God's laws and commandments.  We need to bring back One Nation Under God before we do not have one nation and God no longer lives within any of it.
    I pray that God will hear those who still believe in Him and cry out to Him. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

And Israel Told God They Wanted A King

     When God made the contract with Abraham and promised to make him a Great Nation. His intention was for Abraham and his descendants to love, honor and follow Him all their days. Keeping true faith and allegiance to God, the Father following His statues, laws, commandments and testaments. God tested Abraham and found him lacking in faith but always willing to admit his lack of faith and return to God. Abraham trusted God even to the point of putting Isaac on the alter and lifting the knife in preparation of sacrifice. Father knew at that point his child, Abraham, would not hold anything back from him. Abraham may not be faithful 100% of the time but if he was willing to give up his own son then what greater gift could he offer to the Father.  This story also correlates to the sacrifice that was made for our own sin through Jesus but that can be addressed later. God therefore made a commitment to be with Abraham and his descendants throughout their lives being their God and keeping them as His people if they would only hold true to the commitment that Abraham made with Father.
     The problem is that the Israelites never stayed true to their word and broke faith with God. They continually disobeyed Him and in doing so earned a time of separation from God. A time where God allowed them to see that they needed Him. When their time of discipline was complete and they cried out continually for God to return, He faithfully returned to His chosen ones, delivering them from their trials and tribulations. This went on for many centuries until, Israel decided that they had grown to big for just God and now needed a king to rule them. This was a direct affront to our Father in heaven as He was their rightful King. Yet, God finally gave in to these spoiled children and allowed a king to be anointed as ruler over them. Even this did not change the attitude of the Israelites and they soon were in trouble again. They once again prostituted themselves to other gods and even their king was found wanting in God's eyes.
     All this led to the coming of Christ, and a new contract between God and man. Only this time it was for all men. Father no longer favored the Israelite nation above all others. Now all men were given equal opportunity to come before the throne of God seeking forgiveness and acceptance as a true child of our Heavenly Father. I know that each of you are wondering where I am going with this...most of us were raised hearing this over and over here in the Southern States known as the Bible Belt. However, we all are on the same crazy cycle as Israel and now we wonder what is happening...
     Let me explain, this Nation was a nation founded upon the Biblical principles of equalities and freedoms for all men, One Nation (of individual states) Under God, that would be Indivisible (as long as they followed Him), and pursued Liberty and Justice for all (men as found in the Bible). The Rights of all men to worship God as they saw fit, not that there would be no religious statements, testaments, statutes or laws within the government of this nation but that each man had a right to worship God the Father as he felt led by the Holy Spirit, this is the true meaning of what our founding fathers wrote. The division of religion and state was not meant to keep God out of our government but to ensure that our government did not force a state sponsored religion upon all the people. If this was not so, then why did they use the Bible as their guide as they worked to build a document that would found this nation and write it in such a way as to ensure that all men were free to  pursue God in worship. Yes, we have changed our laws now so we are no longer free. And more freedoms are surrendered all the time. Yet, that was not the manner in which it was written. No longer are we free to pray in school or even put up quotes from the Bible. These might be offensive to others. Truly, and what about my being offended? Does that not count?
     So we take God out of the schools and out of the government of this nation. We change things as Israel did so long ago. Does this not all sound familiar to what Israel did in the early years of this world? Yet, we are surprised when we have trials and tribulations that are meant to get our attention. We have devastating hurricanes and tornado's. We have massed shootings and corruption. Father disciplines His children and calls out to them not willing to lose any. Yet, we do not turn to God! Instead we do what Israel did, we seek out an individual who we think is awesome and say, 'make him our king.' We tell God, we no longer need you. We have outgrown you and don't need you any longer. You are not real anyway. The smart people in the world tell me that your book is nothing but a bunch  of stories. Nothing based upon scientific (lesser god now) fact.
     So here we have come to it. We, like Israel before us, are a nation of prostitutes chasing after lesser gods and demanding our own way as a spoiled child does. Yet, even God will not wait forever for a spoiled child to return to Him. When Israel refused to listen to God's call for repentance, they would find themselves in a time of separation from His presence and at the mercy of their enemies. When they cried out for a king, he gave them one. Saul was not a great king for Israel and our own President was not to be a king for us.  Yet, some of us have cried out for one and others are greedily filling their pockets as they take advantage of these corrupt individuals. We sell our very freedoms that were bought with the blood of our forefathers. My ancestors fought in many of this nation's wars and battles and I have followed in their footsteps. Yet, I weep for the coming time of enslavement when we will no longer have the freedoms bought at so high a price and surrendered so cheaply.
     Even now God has turned away from us and moved to another peoples who will love and follow Him. We as a nation told Father to leave us alone and now we will experience the true measure of war upon our own soil. Only this one will be from within. Soon the banners will begin moving and the trumpets will sound. A calling to arms and all will see the horrors of hell on earth arrive within our own borders as we battle each other for our own desires and wills. The battle lines have already started to be drawn. Will anyone hear my voice as I cry? Will anyone care as I weep for the torn flag? How many stars will remain when the fighting is done? What will happen to the remnants of this land once the fighting stops? Will any of those remaining remember their true Father? He who loved them and brought greatness to a few colonies when a world was determined to enforce their own will upon those peoples. Will we finally remember our ancestors and what they fought and died to protect? Will 'We The People' finally wake up and call out to God crying for forgiveness and that Father will run to our aid? I love my country and I weep for what is to come. May God not forget those of His children whom are still within this land and who still love and do His work.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Where will you turn?

     When the fires start to burn and the end of what you hold dear is at hand, to where will you turn? We have shunned God, so he will not answer. When anarchy is upon this land and all semblance of order seems to have left will you then turn to the Government that you voted for crying out "we want change" and that brought you to this state? They are human, as you and I, but you thought them more. Will they now be able to turn the tide of God's righteous wrath upon this land? Who among them are more than human and can stand before our Lord and give challenge to His plans? Which among them will be able to say STOP! and God will halt His mighty plans to punish this land of heathens, such as the Israelites of Old? NOT ONE!
     The time draws near when the fires of dissolution and desolation will sweep through this land that once stood proudly as a beacon of light to all the Nations of the world. We are a proud people who believe that we are in the right in all things. Did we not save the world in World War I and World War II? Just ask us and we will puff out our chest and swagger as we brag upon our strength and might. We beat the Axis! We destroyed Hitler and his evil plans! Truly? Where was God in all this? Was he not there on the beaches as we landed on D-Day? Did he not aid us during the Battle of the Bulge? We claim victory in our name but who gave the generals the inspiration needed to ensure victory? Even Mr. Churchill and others living in those times understood that God was the one who gave Britain the ability to hold out. It was God who stood by us and gave us victory over the Axis powers. Otherwise, we would have lost the battle for the Pacific in Hawaii. God took our Gideon (3 Aircraft carriers) and showed his might through them. Not the other way around. Yet we now do not need God. We take him out of everything.
     Then We The People say, "I have the RIGHT to make as much as you...because we are all made equal." Or "I should have this or that because he/she has it!" For instance, I should have a FREE cell phone because almost everyone has a cell phone today. Truly? Is that a right or a privilege?  And is that cell phone truly FREE? No, for We The People will pay for those through our taxes. That means, those of us who are working and paying taxes will pay for cell phones for others who are "less fortunate" because they do not currently have one. This will make men equal, right? What about a house, We The People are also burdened to assist others with their mortgage do to their inability to pay for a mortgage. Again this makes us equal, right? And a Car, and a computer, and an RV and, and, and,...wait a moment, please. Where does the Constitution guarantee anyone the RIGHT to have everything that his neighbor has? It doesn't. That is called coveting, desire, jealousy and all are listed as sins in the Bible. Our Constitution guaranteed our right to FREEDOM and the pursuit of happiness but not at the expense of our fellow man. The Fact is even God wants us to be happy and joyfull. But he does not promise us riches...I know that there are ministers and preachers and others out there who would tell you that God promised you a RICH life. Yes, Father promised you a life of richness and love and fullness in Him, but He NEVER promised that you would be Worldly RICH. In fact, many times he warns against this very thing, saying that we should not chase after these things because, "Money is the root of all evil." Not that it is evil but it is the desire and lust of money that corrupt us. We crave it and condemn ourselves with it and through it. We eventually become enslaved by it. Do you doubt me? Take a look at what you have and see what you can live without. Yet God did say that man was to work to eat, in 2 Thes 3: 10, the scriptures plainly say, "if anyone will not work, neither let him eat." This may sound harsh but God wants us to work. He said as much to Adam when He kicked him out of Eden. Look it up in Genesis 3. God will give you what you need but you must work for it as well.
     We The People got tired of working and paying our dues to get ahead so now we hold our hands out and expect the Government to fill our hands with money that they do not have. Really? Where will that money come from? Will it miraculously appear or will the Government go to work and make all that money for us so that they can give us money that we do not deserve? NO. The Government, which We The People voted for, will reach into our pockets and take out what they need to distribute money "fairly" to those who they decide are 'underpriviledged'. This will place an unequal burden upon all other members of this society as we realize the truth of slavery to a Government that is corrupted by We The People. We The People are to blame for the coming conflageration and dissolution of our Rights because we have sold them for the price of a 'cell phone' or a car or any number of other 'necessary' items that I should be able to have just because my neighbor has them. Therefore, I have to be equal and have to have one too.
     Yet, for a Government to be able to subjugate its people, there are things that must occur first. It must control all the major commodities and business and utilities within the country. Which ours now has written into effect during the last 4 years. It must also have a standing army, which it does but it must also be able to utilize that army upon it's own land. It must also control the weaponry to ensure that no entity would be able to rise up within its own boarders to challenge its authority. It would be best for the Governing body to be voted into power but that would not be necessary as long as the Power to rule was overwhelming and absolute. Having We The People declare that we accept and want a change in the governing body would be the optimum solution  for any Constitutional change but our leaders know that there are too many that would stand their ground for this to occur. That is why they have taken the road to change our Constitution limiting our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. We The People need to understand that God no longer lives here. He has left this land and in doing so has left us to fend for ourselves in these days of coming retribution.
     I have dreamed the dream of fires spreading from the Western states that ignite the whole of the Nation into the flames of chaos, and as a wedge and maul split a block of firewood so will our Nation finally be split by the conflaguration of these times. We as a people have been proud and haughty, saying that we can do all things. God is not real nor do we need him. Yet, God has already turned the hourglass of our destruction and the sands have nearly drained out. For too long have we not looked nor listened to the signs that He has sent our way in warning of His coming vengence. I am preparing my heart for the changes that will come and the hope in the Lord that he will be merciful to those who even now have not forgotten him. May Father deal gently with those of us who attempt to follow and do His bidding. I hold to the promise Father made that He would never leave me or forsake me so long as I follow Him.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fires from the West

     I have dreamed and dreamed of fires spreading from the West starting in California that will soon spread to Oregon and Washington, Arizona, Nevada and the flames of which will engulf the whole of these United States. I do not believe that it was only the new legislation that Senator Feinstein is pushing but all our country will be embroiled soon in the flames of dissolution and secession.
     God said in Genesis 3 that," man would eat by the sweat of his brow." When he kicked him out of Eden and by that he meant that he would have to work for  his food. God said that we would have to work to eat. Not that some would work and others would be able to sit at home watching television or doing something else living off what the Government provided. No where in God's Word did it make allowance for someone who was capable of working to sit around and do nothing but get paid for it by the Government. Our Government, was originally written by the Founding Fathers with Bible in hand as a guide, to give us a set of documents that would allow us Freedoms to live within. There were no taxes in those original documents nor were the original legislators paid. They felt compelled to volunteer, at risk of life and limb, as patriots to this budding Nation. We have now made our legislators a paid position and they feel that they are above the law and not compelled to live within the same standards as 'We The People'. Why? Are they superior to those they are supposed to be 'serving'?
     So why is the Government now paying individuals to sit at home and do nothing? Well, 'We The People' are supposed to believe that it is 'Fair'. Yes, that is correct. It is fair for them to sit at home and do nothing and be paid for it because our economy is on a downswing/recession. So rather than getting a lesser paying position or multiple lesser paying positions or selling 'things/toys', the rest of us have to cover the bill. I personally do not have an issue assisting those who cannot work, such as the widows/orphans/wounded soldiers. These are individuals who NEED assistance not a lifestyle change. Those who are capable of working and used to earning more than they can earn now...sorry but that means you need to adjust your lifestyle. Not pleasant but necessary. I have had to do so in the past and although it is difficult, it is a part of life. God did not promise you would be rich or comfortable, he promised you that he would never forsake you and that you would be able to live a joyful and full life. If you believe that this is not Biblical, turn to 2Thes 3:10 and enjoy knowing that even the Lord Our God desires us to work as he told Adam.
     So what about taking money from We The People to give to failing Businesses? Once again, this was not in the Founding Father's plan nor was it taught in College Economics. There was no class on business that should not be allowed to fail for the good of all. In fact, my instructors all taught just the opposite. That in a Free Market System, any and all businesses were supposed to be able to compete on equal footing. The need has arisen for tariffs and other support mechanisms to support our businesses in part due to 'unfair' business practices on the part of foreign governments. But truly, most of the issues we see today are with our own inability to compete on level ground with foreign competition.
     Division is coming to these great States and it will be soon. God has left us to our own dealings. We have told him that we do not need him in our lives any longer and so like Greece and Rome we too will fall. The pieces are in place and God has placed the means of our downfall into position. He ordained the leadership of this nation, and has used it to drive a wedge that will split us apart. Already they have emergency powers over all things and soon they will attempt to take away our guns. When they attempt to collect the guns the fires will start and spread throughout the nation ending forever the flight of the Eagle.