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Friday, May 10, 2013

Day of Reckoning Approaching

“Sin is like quicksand: Your own efforts only make you sink deeper. Only an outside hand can pull you out.”—Author Unknown
     The newest issues we see in Washington are highlighting the state of moral decay within our society. We have individuals in power who are so callous that they do not even care about the deaths of their own countrymen. The only perceived concern is "can I use this to bring down the other political party or how can I make this go away to ensure I continue to rule." Truthfully, there has already been enough information in the press, both written and verbal, to suggest that the current administration is attempting to cover up the lack of support and concern for their appointed Ambassador and his staff. Equally reprehensible is the attempts by the members of the Congressional Commission conducting the inquiry who sling about allegations that the right wing is using this to slander the Obama administration. What is expressly disturbing to me is the fact that many believe this and agree with Hilary's statement, "this happened a long time ago, what does it matter!" People are so oblivious to what is important that they do not care what happened in our embassy in Libya.
     When We the People only care about what is happening in our own tiny little portion of these United States and continue to worry about 'can I get another handout from government', then we have truly lost all moral fabric and no longer deserve the freedoms that our brave men and women are fighting to protect. How, can we say that 4 patriots lives were worthless? Are we so callous and our hearts so blackened that we cannot even see that our elected officials sacrificed those men to retain their power? Will we now turn our heads and allow this administration to use their slight of hand tactics to bring We The People's attention to other things such as gun control and education? What is wrong with us? Do We the People even care about anything other than what is happening in our own front yards? I weep for this generation as we allow these power mongers to destroy our constitution that they swore to defend and uphold.
      Understand this though, God sees all things and He is the authority that decides which man rises and which falls. It is God who puts a man upon a throne and He also strips him of power. Only the righteousness of the ruler is acceptable to God and if that individual abuses his authority, it will be God who brings about his fall. Remember that it was God who anointed Saul to sit on the Israelite throne and it was God who had David anointed when He became angry with Saul's unrighteous acts. Saul lost his throne because he felt that he was almighty and could do what he pleased even to disobeying our Lord. Today, we see our own elected officials doing these same things with the power that they were given. They are abusing that power as they feel they are almighty. They believe that they are untouchable. God promises justice to His faithful and He is a God of vengeance. However, God will also allow We The People to experience his wrath for our own selfishness and callousness. "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."—2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)  If We The People do not wake up from our lazy and self centered lives we will find that God is not here at all and we are now slaves to a tyrannical government such as what came to be in Rome and Greece. Yes, we thought we were the only government that ever attempted the democratic rule but they were before us. Only by our deep religious heritage have we maintained our own democratic rule for so long. Those individuals who propose otherwise are only fooling themselves and listening to satan's lies. Satan has won the ear of most of our leadership. They sold themselves to him for power and gold. Yet, satan only gives power for so long before he turns on those who live for him. He is the great deceiver and uses his servants to kill and destroy. He loves nothing. If you doubt me look at what he did to Job in the old testament. Satan even twisted Job's wife and friends to turn on him. We are in great danger in this nation as we have allowed Satan's followers to remove God from our books, educational system, and our government. With each victory that these individuals win in our society, God withdraws even further from us. Soon, very soon, God our true Founding Father will no longer reside with us. He will abandon us to our own rulers who We The People chose. Upon that day this nation will fall and we will experience true destitution.
     I have written about the coming destruction and desolation that will soon be visited upon this country. Today, I was given another verse to think upon. 'No Peace Here - Matthew 10:34-37'
"Don't think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace. I came to bring a sword. I have come to make this happen: 'The people in a person's own family will be his enemies. A son will be against his father. A daughter will be against her mother. A daughter-in-law will be against her mother-in-law.' Any person that loves his father or mother more than he loves me is not good enough to follow me. Any person who loves his son or daughter more than he loves me is not good enough to follow me." (ERV)  Jesus was telling his followers that to truly follow the Christ was not an easy road. There would be many, even our own families that would turn on the Christians. Today, we are seeing this fulfilled in our own country more and more. And honestly, many Christians are hiding or turning away from Christ in fear of persecution. Is that what our Lord deserves? When the road that Christ laid out for us gets tough, is it now okay to run and hide in fear? Where are you Mighty Men of God? Where are you Daughters of the Highest King? You Women of Cahil? Do we cower in fear or will we finally stand for God? I understand fear. It is a tool of satan to freeze God's faithful into inaction. Only by overcoming that fear do we learn courage. I ask you all to pray for the courage to stand up for our Founding Father. To stand and be heard as Christians and believers in the One True God. So that He will know that not all of His followers have become sheep for the slaughter.
     A final word of warning, I know that this was not the original intent of this message. However, look closely at the dissolution of families. When war comes to this land, this will be what happens as it was during the first Civil War so will it be with us. Our very homes will be shattered as we fight to survive. Yet, it does not have to be this way. If we will again bring God back into our land, our homes, our families, our schools, and our government. Please pray that Father will put righteous men in all our positions of power. That we may once again be a Nation of God.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

120 Pieces of Silver

14 Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the leading priests 15 and asked, "How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?" And they gave him thirty pieces of silver. 16 From that time on, Judas began looking for the right time and place to betray Jesus. Matthew 26 (NLT)

     Right now there is a Congressional Hearing taking place that will likely be ridiculed by some and ignored by others. We are in the midst of trying to find out the truth of what occurred in Benghazi, Libya on Sep 11, 2012. This has been going on for more than 8 months now. So according to Mrs Hilary Clinton, "Why does this matter? It is old news." Dem Rep. Elijah Cummings during the Benghazi Hearing is this as a “Media Campaign” for "Fallout Over Attack on the Benghazi compound massacre." He stated that this should not even be news but is insinuating that this is a political move by the Republican Party to defame this administration. So what is the bid deal? Why do We The People need to find the answers to this? Is this just more hype that interferes with my tremendously busy living schedule? I mean Really! Why should I even care about 4 men who died in a place that I probably cannot even find on a map! What is soooo wrong with this that I should concern myself? Didn't some guy named Pres Nixon have issues? And what about every ones go to Pres Ronald Reagan and the Congo or was it Contra Affair? We don't need to talk about Pres Bill...I mean that was just a man having sex, right?

     If We The People do not pull our heads out of the sand now, at this very time, you may find that when you do finally decide to wake up to the actions of these elected and appointed officials your world will be entirely changed.

     So to you Madame Secretary and you "Honorable" Mr Cummings, I say that it does matter. It matters that you broke faith with our own People. You who are so willing to look the other way while you are sitting here in this land safe and sound, sell our Ambassador and his staff off for the price of an office. You want to sweep this away and hide everything that happened. You swore an oath to this country to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic Madame Secretary. You promised to Represent your constituents and hold true faith in executing your duties as a Representative Mr Cummings. Yet, both seem more intent on political gain and holding the Party Line than in determining the truth of these deaths. "From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands rewards him."—Proverbs 12:14 So conversely, if what we say and do is wrong then we are filled with evil things. I would remind you both, if in front of you, that although you lie to We The People, you cannot lie to God. He knows what is in each of your hearts.

    We know that the embassy was understaffed. That point cannot be disputed. We also know that a request was forwarded for more security prior to the event. We know now that the February 17th Brigade was the security that was hired to protect the embassy and that they were connected to Islamist Terrorist Groups. This was known prior to their hiring and up to the point they abandoned the embassy personnel to be butchered by some of this administration. If you have been watching and reading the news at all, you know that the situation room at the White House had live feed and was watching the attack via Unmanned Aircraft. We also know that there were Forces prepared and ready to fly in to relieve the embassy and fight off the attackers, yet they were ORDERED to stand down. We know that there was also at least One Aircraft Carrier Group in the area with the capability to respond to a distress call. What we do not know, and what everyone was trying to hide is why these 4 American Men were abandoned to death by their Government? What was the reasoning behind their sacrifice? The Military and public servants know that sometimes the ultimate sacrifice is necessary for victory, yet what was the victory to be gained by these men's deaths? Not one official has yet come forward and stated the need for this.

     If you are a believer then you know the story of Judas' betrayal and that he sold his Master for the price of an Egyptian Slave (30 pieces of silver). We The People are seeing the same mentality from our own administration as we witness the threats and attempts to cover up what occurred in Benghazi.
The Ambassador and his staff were abandoned to their deaths by the very people who put them in harms way to start with. If we had been at war with Lybia, then I could understand a little better the reason for this, but we weren't. If we had been, the Ambassador and his staff would never have been there to start with. So the only explanation that I can come up with is that they were sacrificed. What I do not know is, why. Mr Nixon did Watergate to ensure he regained his presidential office. What it did was ensure that he would not be president when We The People discovered the truth. Yet, now I shudder to think about the actions of  this administration and their political party as they attempt to hide the truth of Benghazi from the people. They are attempting to play down this whole thing and make it a none issue. Really? If that is their true feelings, then did they really care about 20 children in a school dying? You say that this is not the same thing but I say that it is. If those 4 lives meant so little that they will do everything in their power to hinder and stymie the discoverance of the truth to these men's deaths, then they cared nothing for those children except that they could use them for political purposes. What is really amazing to me is the lack of interest in this by most of We The People. We The People do not care about those 4 lives. How do I know this? Because, if that were not so then that State Representative would not be supporting his party lines with the belief that he can assist in hiding the truth. He would be actually trying to ask probing questions about what happened and who knew what. Yet, he is so sure of his constituents lack of concern for  this issue that all he does is make statements during his turn to find the truth. He only points fingers of blame for this 'whole media campaign' to defame the administration. He calls this service to We The People?This is a telling sign of apathy upon our part as We The People. When we do not care if the Man in the White house lies to us about the deaths of 4 of our countrymen and tries to hide the truth of those deaths, then we are just as guilty of their demise as he is. We might as well have had sex with the intern, because we did not care that Mr President did. We were only concerned that he get the meaning of 'is' correct.

     So what do I truly think...that our Father uses all things for His glorious purpose. I have stated before that we are on the road to destruction and that We The People are walking down this pathway happily singing our praises and saying prayers to God. Yet, we like sheep are walking blindly toward the cliff that will drop us to our downfall. We walk along willingly as our leaders continue to say follow me, I know a better pasture for you. But it is not a pasture where we go. It is to the shearers and the butchers. As with Israel before us, we have forgotten our Father and He is abandoning us to our own depravity. If We The People would just look up from the pig pen as the prodigal son did and realize that our Father still loves us and wants to maintain a relationship with us. Then we could return to His ways and He would run to meet us and put us back on the pathway to righteousness.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mistaken views of Church Discipline...

     During the Sunday class another issue that was brought forth  during the topic of Eldership qualifications and selection, was a misguided view of their actual involvement in disciplining members of the church.
     The discussion started with an elder talking about a woman, unnamed, coming to him to discipline another member of the church who had offended her. She believed that the elder was responsible for 'telling  the other member he/she was wrong' by offending their sister in Christ. First, the elder was directed to take sides in this issue by the woman and then to settle their dispute for them. Now, I have heard of many disputes within the church, as is common among all humans. We will eventually say or do something that is offensive to someone, but it is not the Elder's responsibility to deal with these issues. So let's look at how Jesus tells us to deal with offenses, and then look at the bible for examples of dispute resolution.
     In Matthew 18:15-17, we read, "15 If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the fault. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. 16 But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. 17 If that person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. If the church decides you are right, but the other person won't accept it, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. (NLT)" So immediately we see that even Jesus expected and understood we would have unintended offenses to deal with in the Body. Therefore, he wanted to set forth a plan to deal with it on an individual basis. We The People of Christ are to go to our brother or sister and tell them of the hurt and point out the issue. In that way, it is dealt with between the original parties to the incident. Only if they cannot agree to a resolution is there a need to continue by taking other members to the offending party. Yet, even those individuals are not identified as Elders. It states that you will take one or two others to go back and speak with the individual again. Once again it is in an attempt to resolve the issue privately. So what happens next? If the individual does not repent from the sin or accept that they were wrong, then the issue will be brought to the Elders correct? NO. Look  at verse 17 and recognize that it is now a church issue. In the past, I was always taught that meant a Men's Meeting of the Church. In this version and King James Version, it states Church as a whole. It does not say that only the men of the church will decide on this. It does not state that the Elders are to decide. It states that the Church will decide the issue. If they decide against the offending member, then that individual will be treated as a pagan, or non-believer. This is what we call Dis-fellowship within the church.
     Secondly, we need to see how we are to approach each other when we feel offended. I for one get angry and have to walk away or sit quietly until I can control my own thoughts. Obviously, approaching the person who offended me in this state of mind would be counter productive. So let's see what Paul says about talking with each other...Galatians 6:1, "Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself." (NLT) Obviously, if I am angry and hurting when I approach the other person, I will not be able to follow this direction. I would only add more harm. Also, of note is the need to keep your eyes upon the Lord so that this temptation or sin that the other is involved in does not overcome you. Only by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you during this endeavor will we be able to remain focused upon saving our brother or sister from their sin.
     Now I know that each of us are given the Spirit who is our counselor and guide to help us in our walk. And truly we are all attempting to walk the narrow path in the same direction. Yet we sometimes get confused about what our own leadership is doing in the church or what they are responsible for. So lets look at an example of what happened once in the early church when an issue was brought before the church as a whole about the treatment of widows. In Acts 6: 1-5, the Apostles are overseeing the ministry of the word and prayer. They were confronted with a problem that was brought before the church as a whole and then presented a solution that would allow them to continue their designated service. Now, I have always been taught that this was the first initiation of the office of Deaconship. What I would like to propose and for you to contemplate is that the Apostles in this instance were acting as Elders. So if that is the case, what is the real responsibility of the Elders? If we use this as a guide, then their ministry is to prayer, and the overseeing of the Ministry of the Word. In this way, they stay connected to the Spirit through constant prayer. Then they oversee the Ministry of God's Word to ensure that what is being done in the body, through teaching, and preaching, and every other ministry is according to the written Word. This is a full time task which does not need to be added to by issues being brought to them. They as the spiritual Shepherds are to present to the church their ideas for how to accomplish the Gospel Ministry and then allow the Church body to do the work. Not the other way around. We sometimes lose sight of what the true responsibility of the Elders are. We expect them to be our policemen, and firefighters, and warriors. Sorry but that is not it. We want to be able to place upon them the WHOLE responsibility of our religious lives including the running of the Church and its ultimate survival. Once again, I do not see their focus on this. They are to lead us by example and prayer but we as a church are ultimately responsible for our own walk. These individuals are human and have a responsibility to their own families as well as the Ministry of the Church. They are the ones who are to ensure that the wolfs are spotted and dealt with. They are the ones to test the words being taught to you and what is put forth from the pulpit. They are to ensure that what is preached to us, is what is written in God's word. Now, how can they do this if they are always being pulled to decide about who was hurt by another or should we buy a new church bus? Are these truly to be decided by the Elders or the church? I believe that we have placed an undue hardship upon our Shepherds by telling them you are our Rulers. Yet, no where in the scriptures do I read that they rule over us. They are to lead us but not as rulers. Otherwise, I should just acknowledge that there is a church hierarchy and that there is a Pope. Yet, we know that our Messiah is our King and he alone sits at our head. 
     So the quandary that comes to me is this, I have always been taught that the Elders were to rule the Church. Not by scripture but by tradition. And my search has led me to believe that the Shepherd's duties are: 
  1) To serve as decision makers if the church body is at an impasse. This comes from Acts 15:1-2, where Paul and Barnabas were sent to assist the church in Antioch about an impasse the church was having over wrongful teaching. They get the ruling of the Apostles and Elders to help resolve the conflict.  The elders help to settle disputes in the church over doctrine is a better way to phrase this I think.
  2) They pray for the sick. This is a reference from James 5:14, "Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord."
  3)  They are to watch out for the spiritual life of the church in humility. 1 Peter 5: 1-4, "I exhort the elders who are among you, I being also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed. Feed the flock of God among you, taking the oversight, not by compulsion, but willingly; nor for base gain, but readily; nor as lording it over those allotted to you by God, but becoming examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a never-fading crown of glory.” Peter is saying that like the Shepherd in the field you are to ensure that the sheep (Christians) are well fed in the scriptures and that they are protected from the wolves who will come to divide and deceive the members. This can also be seen in Hebrews 13: 17.

     On the other hand, Hebrews 13: 17 speaks to us as the body in our own responsibility toward our leaders..."Yield to those leading you, and be submissive, for they watch for your souls, as those who must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you."  Yet how many of us make the Shepherds position hard? How many of us bring our petty problems to them for resolution? Let me site an example of this...we continually argue among ourselves over the playing of musical instruments within the auditorium during service. We continually bring it up because some want to allow it and others do not. This might as well have been the same issue as the one from Acts 15 where the Jewish Christians were telling the Gentile Christians they had to be circumcised to be saved. Truly, it was not a salvation issue until it was made so. We like them before us find issues that we want to turn into salvation issues and once a stalemate occurs within the Church on a decision we turn to the Eldership demanding a decision, so long as it is the one we are supporting. Yes, I said that we as Christians only support the Eldership's decision if it supports our 'biblically' based decision. Yet, that is not what I read in Hebrews 13: 17. If the Eldership is called upon to decide a specific point of contention within the church we as a body are to support them. We are called to allow them to help us maintain our spiritual walk and even if I do not agree with a decision, I am still called upon to support them and abide by their decision for the good of the whole. That does not mean that every time I have an opportunity, I re-initiate that same contentious issue before the Church. All I am doing at that time is sowing the seeds of dissension and divisiveness within the body, which leads to members leaving us. You want to know why our numbers continue to go down? How firmly do our members stand behind our leadership? How much contention do we have within the body and why? If we all followed the written directions of the Word, perhaps we would not be seeing as large a movement away from the church.  I also want to point out that the position of Elder used to be a lifelong position. Now we have to beg individuals to stay...why is that? Why would someone who is qualified to lead in the Church turn it down? We need to look at how we are treating our leaders and making their life more of a task or chore than a great and holy position to be aspired to. We need to SUBMIT! Even when I do not feel like it. For that is what Jesus did! He submitted to a Cross. Can we do any less? Therefore, we are called to submit to our Church leadership and support their walk.
     I have once again convicted myself during this writing and know that I need to examine my own walk in how I support the Elders. I can only submit a humble apology for my stiff necked attitude and hope that any of those serving will accept my request for forgiveness. May Father richly reward all our Elders and Shepherds with love and the blessings they so richly deserve.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Elder Selection and Qualification thoughts...

     On Sunday morning we began a look into the selection of Elders within the Church and what qualifications are needed to be selected. Our particular doctrine has always been a Godly man who is the husband of one wife and having believing children along with a multitude of other requirements. Truly, many churches today and in the recent past have split over this one undertaking. The question is, why? What makes this so difficult that our very existance as a unified body is in jeopardy over the selection of men to lead us? My question is, what does God think of our arguing and bickering over who gets to lead and who doesn't?
     The discussion started with the class members talking about qualities of an Elder/Shepard. What does a shepard look like or what is our thoughts on a shepard? Was it intentional that Paul used the shepard as a method of discribing the Church Eldership? Well of course it was! Jesus used this analogy many times to talk about His own style of leadership. Even the authors of the bible were inspired to name Him 'the Good Shepard'. So if we think of Elders as shepards, what comes to mind? For me it is a flock of sheep with a man and perhaps a dog out in the open meadow watching over them. This man may be sitting playing a musical instrument or standing singing or talking quietly to them, but he is always vigilant. His vigilence is required to ensure that none of his flock wanders away into danger or is taken by a wild predator. He knows how many and where his sheep are. He has to lead them to water and ensure their safety while they drink. If one slips in the water, it may drown if he does not go to its aid, even in the shallows. Also, cowards need not aply as one thinks on the dangerous beasts that David overcame while tending his fathers sheep. He talks about killing lions and bears in the course of his duties caring for those sheep. The shepard sings and talks not only to sooth the sheep but so that they will know his voice. Then when he calls and starts walking to a new pasture or water, the sheep will follow him just by this sound.
     All these things came out in the discussion in class, or at least a goodly portion of them. Yet, during class another thought came out that truly struck me harshly...and that was this; if Jesus and the Apostles were here today in our own congregation we would not allow them to shepard us. They do not have the qualifications. Say WHAT! Hold on a moment, my Lord and Master could not hold the 'office' of elder in my church? Then we truly NEED to rethink our paradigm of what is required to hold that position! How can the very one who initiated this whole change and save my soul not be eligible to sit in authority over the church? How can we be so sure that our own understanding of God's Word is correct and yet truly believe that the author of our salvation is not qualified to lead His earthly flock if he were present? And what of Peter, or Paul or John? Each noted in some extraordinary way for their Apostleship and leadership in the church, but today would be counted as not qualified to lead? I say that we have moved off course in our very theology if we hold this as indesputable by the Word. I believe that we have once again set boundaries where our own tradition has determined it should be. We have again in our need for order and rules to govern ourselves, defined a box so small that even our Messiah would laugh at us. I believe that Jesus is saddened and hurt by our own ineptitude in this area of HIS Church. 
     So let's get into the Word and find our stumbling block(s) and perhaps look for a better understanding of where we have gotten off course. The main biblical text that all look to for understanding on Elder's qualification is, 1 Timothy 3: "1 The saying is sure: whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble task. 2 Now a bishop must be above reproach, married only once, temperate, sensible, respectable, hospitable, an apt teacher, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, and not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own household well, keeping his children submissive and respectful in every way— 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how can he take care of God's church? 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may be puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace and the snare of the devil."(NRSV) Of course this version uses the term Bishop and that in itself can generate a lengthy debate over the definition, but for this writing I am suggesting that we replace that term with Shepard or Elder. Starting in verse 2 we see that an Elder is to be married only once. Taken in the literal sense of this verse it would automatically exclude Jesus and most of the Apostles right away. Jesus was never married. Yet, is that what is truly meant by this verse? In the New Living Translation, this same verse is written,"must be faithful to his wife." Same thing right? NO! Read them again...Paul, who was also called an elder of the early church and never married, I believe is saying that 'IF' a man is married that he follows God's original plan of only having one wife. Remember, that Jesus told the Jewish leaders in God's original plan a man would leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the 2 would become one. We The People being stiff necked and rebellious have trouble following God's plan. We have determined that if I don't like the wife of my youth that I will divource her and marry another. Some places throughout history have just accepted polygamy as normal. Yet, any marriage that is not as God stated in the original plan is wrong, hense the words, "what God has joined together, let no man put assunder." Only through death or marrital unfaithfulness can a marriage be sundered in God's sight. In those instances, the man would be free to marry again. So, here is my thoughts on this...Paul, who was never married, was an example to us of the fact that an elder did not HAVE to be married. Perhaps, we misinterpreted what the author was saying and that threw us off course. I submit that the church today has excluded many very Godly men, who could and perhaps should have been accepted as elders, because we used the literal terms to define the qualification. When this very narrow understanding of the Word has limited our pool of eligible candidates. So today perhaps we should translate this verse to say,"...must be above reproach; if married, he must be married according to God's plan in the beginning; " I think that this would alleviate some of the misunderstanding surrounding this.
     Next the verse speaks to 'temperate' and we have sometimes used this to mean not a drunkard. But I do not believe that is the correct version. In this instance I believe that we could more closely associate the term to vigilant or watchful. As we look back at the thoughts on what it means to be a Shepard we know that the man must be always looking out for the flock of sheep. He must be vigilant or wolves will enter the flock and kill his sheep, or perhaps one will stray. Then comes 'Sensible' and I like this translation, perhaps the only other way to look at it would be uses 'common sense', or 'wisdom' for the meaning. Respectable means just that...however, we sometimes forget as leaders that to receive respect we must give respect. If you truly need another word for this, then perhaps 'honorable' would be a good word to substitute. Now we come to the next word that causes much debate and consternation...hospitable. Does that mean that he must give parties and open his home to all? What does this word truly mean? Well, let's look at the author of hospitality...our heavenly Father. He is our host and benefactor. He LOVES us and shows that love through his actions with regards to saving us. He has even prepared a home for us when we have finished with this world. Jesus showed us hospitality when he washed his disciples feet. Hospitality, then is a verb. It requires action on our part and the part of the man aspiring to Shepard the flock. He must exhibit love for others through his deeds.
     The next misconception is that all elders need to be able to preach. Preaching and teaching are not one and the same. Jesus was known as the 'Great Teacher' not the Great Preacher. A preacher is an orator and motivational speaker. However, a teacher may not ever even give a lecture. Some of the best teachers I have known were doers and taught by their example. Jesus taught His chosen how to act by washing their feet. One of the best leasons on humility and service that has ever been taught.
     Verse 3 is pretty self explanitory, yet some use the very first part to say that an elder cannot drink alcoholic beverages. That is not what is stated here. This translation puts this in a more appropriate light as not a drunkard. Then verse 4 leads to the second part that would tend to exclude our Savior and his apostles. In most versions this reads, "must have believing children." If this truly meant that every elder HAD to have believing biological children then truthfully Jesus would not be able to lead a church today as an elder. Yet, look at this verse again...It is talking about the whole of the house. How this man manages everything in his care. His money, his posessions, his time, his servants, etc., etc. Paul did not have biological children, so how then was he an elder? No this is more about the man's ability to love and care for everything God has blessed him with than just does he have children. I would also submit that Paul, though not related to Timothy or Titus, calls them his children. How is that so? Was he not instrumental in their conversion? So here is food for thought...we each say that upon our baptism we die and are reborn. If this is so, then are we not creating children through baptism? Are we not birthing new babies in Christ through our own testemonies and discipling? Paul claims this very thing as he speaks to both Timothy and Titus. So perhaps another and better rendering of this verse would be for us to examine how many new birth christians each man has and which has maturing christians still attending? Wait...yes, I said which ones new birth children are still attending. You see we are in such a hurry to get people wet and into the church that we totally forget that they are babies. But what happens when a baby is born and then left on it's own to survive? It will soon enough perish. Too often we do the same to our own newly born christian children. We get them wet and then hurry on to get the next convert. This is not discipleship nor teaching.
     Now, I know that I may have stepped over a few boundaries here and if you disagree with this, I will not be angry nor hurt. I write this to open new thoughts on old traditions in the hope that we can bring to light a clearer understanding of what was written so long ago. I pray that each of us looks into the Word and with prayer and fasting allow the Spirit to guide our minds to an understanding of what God was trying to bring into our limited wisdom as His purpose and perfect way to select our leadership here on earth.

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Higher Court

“This is all the inheritance I can give to my dear family. The religion of Christ can give them one which will make them rich indeed.”—Patrick Henry
     The last couple days have been a real test for me. I have been forced to listen to our Main Stream Media extolling the virtuous lifestyle and loving home that can be offered by those who wish to be married into sin. It seems that our sinful neighbors; lesbians and homosexuals, are now determined to change the very foundation upon which the family is created. This is totally against what I have read in the bible and what God planned from the beginning. If it were not so then I would not be writing this. However, it is truth that I write and I can back this up with scripture. In Genesis 2: 17 and following, God has made man. He has put man in the garden and is looking for a suitable companion for him, " 18 And the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him." 19 So the LORD God formed from the soil every kind of animal and bird. He brought them to Adam to see what he would call them, and Adam chose a name for each one. 20 He gave names to all the livestock, birds, and wild animals. But still there was no companion suitable for him." Now, we all assume that it was only Adam at that time and perhaps so. Yet, no animal was suitable as a companion, life mate, for the man. This specifically tells you that God does not approve of bestiality! But let's continue....Having gone through all of the current creation and not found a suitable companion for Man, God develops another plan for him, " 21 So the LORD God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. He took one of Adam's ribs and closed up the place from which he had taken it. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib and brought her to Adam. 23 "At last!" Adam exclaimed. "She is part of my own flesh and bone! She will be called 'woman,' because she was taken out of a man." 24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. God; that is Father, Son and Holy Ghost, working together created both Man and Woman in God's image. You see we as human beings were created especially unique to be living images of our God...but only when we are united with our life mate. Let me explain. When God first created Man, He created him in God's image. The Bible states this plainly. But, then God took part of that image away. What He intended was to create another creation that bore His likeness yet was not completely like Him either. Only by Man and Woman combining into one being could they truly exhibit God's image to the world. Man was not complete without his rib, his perfect companion. Woman was not complete until she was connected back to the man. However, no where in this plan does God make allowances for, nor plan the completion of 2 males or 2 females into His image. Sorry but that was not included by design. As a matter of fact one has only to open the Bible to Gen 19: to read of the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to understand God's feelings on this. He sent 2 male angels to Sodom to see what the men of the city would do and they did exactly what He expected. " 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom--both young and old--surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." What is especially noticeable is that every man was involved in this. They all wanted to have homosexual relations with the 2 angels. They were even going to force their way into Lot's house to take the angels by force. This was after Lot offered to give them his 2 virgin daughters. God of course destroys both cities. Not even the women and children were spared His judgement.
     Why would God do this? Why would He destroy the women and children? The answer can be found by looking at the history of the Israelites themselves. You see, when God sent the Israelites into the promised land to take it over for their own, He gave them one command concerning the people of the land. Kill them all. Do not allow any to live nor allow your sons to marry their daughters nor your daughters to marry their sons. Why? Because they were already taught to worship other gods. God knew they would taint the Israelite nation with false god worship. In the same way, these peoples were already tainted. Their morale values had been so twisted away from what God wanted that even the children were not savable. God loves children and we are told to become like them in order to see heaven. Therefore, for Him to have destroyed even the children of these 2 cities speaks of their total and irredeemable fall into abomination. These people had allowed the very fabric of their moral society to become so corrupted that God had to take action to wipe it off the face of creation.
     Today we have our highest court in this land considering whether or not to sanction homosexual and lesbian marriage within the US. So what are we telling our own children by bringing these actions to court? And confirming by our silence? This is a contradiction to the very foundation of the Scriptures. Oh, not just the Bible, but the Torah and Koran as well. Yet, where is the religious outcry from our leaders? Where are you now Priests and Clerics of the religious orders? Or Preachers and ministers? Who is crying out for our Father in heaven that His will would be heard? I have not heard any and even the social media such as facebook and other sites are surprisingly quiet on this. Have we already surrendered to this? Have we given up the battle before the fight began? The Religious leaders, politicians, and elitists all seem to be afraid to speak out for fear of being labeled 'a bigot' or committing political suicide. This is exactly what satan wants from us weak and quiet masses. We are to continue hiding in the shadows as he strips another biblical foundation from our nation. The Bible says, "These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have God's Spirit in them."—Jude 19   Yet, we are just as guilty as they are by our silence. We The People are on the broad path to destruction, walking along happily as we sing our hymns and say our prayers to our Father. But we were warned,
"Not every person that says that I am his Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. The only people that will enter the kingdom of heaven are those people that do the things that my Father in heaven wants. On the last day many people will say to me, 'You are our Lord! We spoke for you. And for you we forced out demons and did many miracles.' Then I will tell those people clearly, 'Go away from me, you people that do wrong. I never knew you.'"Matthew 7:21-23
     I pray that the Faithful of our Father would stand together and cry out, finally, letting our voices be heard...ENOUGH! We are "America, Land of the Free....only So long as we remain a Beacon of Light for God!" For no other reason has this country stood strongly for so long. Where are you Sons of God? Daughters of the King? Are you hiding in fear of being alone? Do you have the courage to take a stand for Christ? Then dwell on this and see if this will give you the strength to stand and be heard. "For this reason I kneel before the Father... I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith."—Ephesians 3:16-17

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Humbling ourselves before the Lord

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.
Proverbs 29:25 (NIV)
     Last evening in bible class we were discussing Acts 26. Most individuals who have been in the church or raised within the Church know this passage and understand what is happening. Paul has been incarcerated for at least 2 years. He was imprisoned for speaking out about Christ's death and resurrection. Not something new and to be surprised about...however, during class we attempted to look at this 'trial' through the eyes of the other individuals involved. Now that was a new twist! I had never truly looked at this text through the eyes of those individuals other than Paul and his testimony to Festus, Agrippa, and the other leaders assembled. So indulge me a moment as I attempt to bring into view a different look at this account.
     This trial starts as Festus, the new Roman Leader over that area of the Roman Empire is attempting to clean up what his predessor had not wanted to deal with. And as any good politician would do, even today, He was attempting to pass the worst issues off to anyone else who might have a way of dealing with a problem without causing a riot or uprising that would cost him his position and potentially his life. Therefore, he invites the Jewish King Agrippa to assist with this trail. Interestingly enough most of the individuals who will be sitting in on this will be Romans. Not the Jewish Priests and Clergy who originally were the ones causing all the outrage and unrest, no this was so long after the original protest that only the highest ranking Romans and the King and his wife seem to be involved. So with the table set lets actually look at what happened during this trial.
      First off, we see Paul brought before his Roman superiors and the Jewish King. He is in chains and has been waiting 2 years to be able to actually speak out. Father has opened the door for His child to speak to the Romans and Jewish leaders but not in Paul's own timing; in God's timing. Paul has languished off every one's radar for 2 years. I would have been impatient and upset. Crying out about being forgotten, not so with Paul. He has waited patiently for God's time which was after the original Rulers were gone. That can only been seen as a providential plan since we now have individuals who are vaguely familiar with the whole issue revolving around Paul.
     Next we have Paul's own defense put forth without anger or resentment. He gives respect and honor to all who are there listening. ( Acts 26: 1 Then Agrippa said to Paul, "You may speak in your defense."So Paul, with a gesture of his hand, started his defense: 2 "I am fortunate, King Agrippa, that you are the one hearing my defense against all these accusations made by the Jewish leaders, 3 for I know you are an expert on Jewish customs and controversies. Now please listen to me patiently! ) But even more he recounts to all his own background and his salvation experience that changed his whole life. Here is where I feel drawn to focus. You see as Paul is talking, he appears to be mainly talking and speaking directly to Agrippa. He focuses upon the one who is also a Jew but Paul is also speaking directly to the gentiles present. They do not know this but they are 'the field' that Paul is preparing for God to bring in a harvest.
     Paul talks to Agrippa about his being a Pharisee of Pharisee's. He speaks of the death and destruction that he was bringing upon the church as he felt was his Jewish duty. (4 "As the Jewish leaders are well aware, I was given a thorough Jewish training from my earliest childhood among my own people and in Jerusalem. 5 If they would admit it, they know that I have been a member of the Pharisees, the strictest sect of our religion.) He tells all present about his Damascus Road experience and being chosen by Jesus to bring this Great News to the Gentiles. (12 "One day I was on such a mission to Damascus, armed with the authority and commission of the leading priests. 13 About noon, Your Majesty, a light from heaven brighter than the sun shone down on me and my companions. 14 We all fell down, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is hard for you to fight against my will. ' 15 "'Who are you, sir?' I asked."And the Lord replied, 'I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting. 16 Now stand up! For I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and my witness. You are to tell the world about this experience and about other times I will appear to you. 17 And I will protect you from both your own people and the Gentiles. Yes, I am going to send you to the Gentiles.) Now all this seems simple enough, but remember the audience. Festus and most of the others in that room were Romans. They were gentiles. But not only were they Gentiles, they believed in multiple deities. They were strongly polytheistic, worshiping Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and all the other Roman gods. The gods that they were used to worshiping were not involved in human lives unless they were causing strife and wars, coming down to molest maidens or young men, etc. These Gods of the Romans were not about helping humanity...they were more an extension of humanity's carnal natures on a grandiose scale. They were the epitome of lust, anger, covetousness, lasciviousness, vanity, and any other human type feeling that we would label as Hedonistic. Yet rarely did they exhibit compassion, familial love, humility, mercy, grace, or other feelings that we associate with the Christian virtues.
     With all that in mind, picture visually if you can, Paul standing in the center of an ancient building. He is facing the main characters in this story and presenting his case. Think about Paul talking about his origins and persecution of the church. (9 "I used to believe that I ought to do everything I could to oppose the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. 10 Authorized by the leading priests, I caused many of the believers in Jerusalem to be sent to prison. And I cast my vote against them when they were condemned to death. 11 Many times I had them whipped in the synagogues to try to get them to curse Christ. I was so violently opposed to them that I even hounded them in distant cities of foreign lands.) What do you see the Romans doing. To me they all seem vaguely involved, mostly murmuring assents and not really paying attention at this moment. However, when Paul speaks to his Damascus Road experiences, I see them all suddenly getting quite and attentive. As he speaks to God's plans and Jesus dying on the Cross, which they would know about, they start leaning forward and/or actively listening.  (8 Why does it seem incredible to any of you that God can raise the dead?) ( 23 that the Messiah would suffer and be the first to rise from the dead as a light to Jews and Gentiles alike.")  You see, no other god in human history has ever willingly sacrificed himself for those who worship him. Not One. Romans know about sacrifices to gods and the gods even sometimes demanded human sacrifice but never before has one placed himself on the sacrificial table and submitted to death willingly for his worshipers. I believe that immediately after this statement all became intensely interested in this conversation. Most likely there were some present, that were intimately aware of the actual crucifixion and had heard the story of the empty tomb. This would lend some credibility, in the minds of some of those Romans present, with regards to the story being presented. But it would be Agrippa's silence throughout this whole discourse that would lend the most credibility to Paul's testimony. Even Festus was stunned into making an accusation of insanity toward Paul to stop the growing sea of intrigue and interest in a God who would do this for His chosen. Yet, not just for His clergy but for all of humanity willing to accept Him. Festus cried out (in my mind) to stop Paul from actually converting at that moment some of the leading Romans in that room. What makes me feel that Paul was winning many souls in that room was Agrippa's own confession, "Do you think you can make me a Christian so quickly?" in verse 28. I know some think that Agrippa was making this statement in a light hearted or sarcastic way...yet, I propose that Agrippa was deeply moved and could FEEL the truth of Paul's statements. Paul's training would ensure that he knew all the prophecies and his ability to present them in a compelling way before a fellow Jew. Can you see Agrippa squirm as he was brought through the prophecy to the death of Jesus on the Cross and then an empty tomb proclaiming the resurrection just as foretold? Can you watch as Festus looks on in amazement, first to Paul for his story telling, and then in shock as he witnessed the truth of these stories, written on Agrippa's face? Is it any wonder that Festus let out a cry of 'Insanity' when looking around the room he could see his fellow Romans beginning to believe! Festus had been so immersed in the story, that he had to ring out that cry from himself or he himself may have fallen victim to Father's call for repentance and faith as presented by Paul. For me this is now a truly WOW moment! That Paul, a prisoner and most likely not in the best clothing or appearance, could have spoken out so boldly as to nearly convert a room  full of polytheistic Romans who were used to worshiping many gods. To be able to touch them so deeply with his story of the Messiah as to nearly make Christian even the Jewish King. AMAZING!
     So what? Why does this matter to me? What does it have to do with today? Truthfully, nothing...and everything. That story can be just another bible story that you remember and never accept into your heart so that you allow the Holy Spirit to utilize you in your current position. Or if like me, you see a new example of the true power God's Spirit taking a human being in its lowliest state and utilizing it to prepare the field for God to bring a harvest of new converts,  then it can mean Everything! You realize that if Paul in his current state could stand before the most powerful men in that province, and humble himself through obedience before the Lord, and speak out boldly for Christ; then I should be able to humble myself to the power of the Holy Spirit living within me and Father will be able to utilize even a wretched sinner as myself for His kingdoms glory and expansion. Who among us today has persecuted the church and murdered it's members? Which of us has put so much hatred and anger into destroying God's work? Not one wearing the name of Christ and if Jesus can change Paul...then, how much more so would I be changed if only I would kneel and allow Him to rule me. Paul in a single dialog with this roomful of sinners was able to plant seeds that I have to believe Father was able to bring into a harvest of new souls for Christ. Yet, am I going to fight against Jesus and stop answering when the Spirit calls? or will I step out in faith as Paul did and humble myself in obedience to Father's will? Each of us must look inside and answer honestly how we will respond. I pray that you will answer with a call for Father to send His Spirit to you and allow Spirit to guide you as you walk the rest of your path.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Living through the Pain

God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us. By his Spirit he has stamped us with his eternal pledge -- a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete.—2 Corinthians 1:21-22 msg

     I was driving home yesterday after typing the message about Father's Love,  and although my head was hurting and my stomach was in knots, I felt that I had not really gone deep enough. The Spirit seemed to be nudging me to go deeper into the thoughts I was writing. I felt like I had only scratched at the surface but had not peeled back the layers yet. The Spirit did not seem to be challenging my thoughts on Father's love but actually speaking to pain in our lives.
     Now this may not speak to some of you out there and I am not sure if many will understand what I am going to say this time but I am really going to rely on the Spirit to take me to  the depth of this topic so that we can get into the reality of Feeling pain. The pain that I am talking to is not the pain of a physical injury. That can be a symptom of the internal hurt that you feel. A physical injury may lead to the intense feeling of misery. However, it is not nearly as caustic to the individual as some injuries that they will deal with. Job knew pain. He was rich but had all his riches taken away. He had many children but they were all taken as well. He was given boils all over his body immediately following those other loses ensuring that he understood what total loss means. Satan struck him with everything a man can be hit with.
     So let's talk about real pain. That kind that seeps into every core portion of your soul. You want to hide in a corner with the lights out and wish that you were not even there. The cries of your soul are for release from this mortal body and yet you cannot escape from what seems the intolerable torment of your seemingly failed existence. You hate with a simmering rage everything that is you. You cannot seem to come to terms with hope or your meaningless being. Deep within you, is that little tiny worm that gnaws at the very fabric of what little sanity seems to be left to you, while your thoughts keep insisting that you are a worthless pile of dung. Your depression; it seems to drag you deeper into a bottomless pit of the purest blackness that not even a sunburst will penetrate. You have done all you can to get out of this quagmire but your apathetic mind has left your body numb to any and all sensations. Truly, you exist. Yet, you do not live. How can you with all that pain blinding your thoughts and holding you prisoner to another wasted and futile day of your pathetic time on endless merry go round we call life. You even think about ways to exit, to end all this suffering and although you have know within yourself that you are afraid to actually end it. Truth is, you are to much of a coward to take that path out of this life. This causes you to spiral deeper into that pit of self hatred that only a few will ever really know. You want to cry but even the sweet release of tears are withheld from such a retch as you. And all the time you are feeling these feelings of torment, that little voice in your head keeps telling you that you are worthless. A busted human who is not even worth saving. It tells you that you should just end everything because you are not loved nor lovable. You will never know any value or worth. How could know how despicable you are and you KNOW all of your past failures. That voice lists them to you, describing the failed loves, the cowardice's, the lack of trust, the rape (you know you wanted to be raped or molested it will tell you), the lies you told to yourself and everyone you know (trying to build a self worth when there is nothing to build upon, the voice will say). That voice laughs at your pathetic attempts to deny your failing will and your attempt to believe you actually have some worth to someone. There is NOTHING for you nor NO ONE who will ever believe in you. You cannot even love or believe in yourself. You deserve every rotten and detestable event in your life. You try to scream but no sound comes from within you. All sound seems to be removed as you are finally drained of all seeming sanity within your is all pure black. There is no light, no feeling, no sound, nothing....just total emptiness of being. You are alive but YOU are DEAD. You feel SOULLESS. The very heart seems to be jumping out of your chest and you are either curled in a fetal position or lost consiousness; not even asleep, no that would be a relief. I feel that I have no more words to describe the fullness of despair and pain, yet I do not feel that I have touched all of it. Yet for this time I have no words to write to enhance or express the rest of the feelings.
     So I will tell you that even when these points do come...there will also come a point that you will have a choice to make. To live or to give up. You can give up and quit if you want...that will either lead you to insanity or it  will lead you to taking your life and perhaps others as well. Or you can choose to live again. Sounds easy, well it isn't. Job was stripped bare to the bone. He lost everything but what he did not lose was faith in a loving Father. God was watching. And at the right moment He interceded for His child. Now Job could have quit. He could have cursed God and died as his own wife was telling him to do. However, Job stood firm on the promise that God would be faithful. And Father was faithful. He returned everything to Job and more so that in the end, Job was wealthier in all things in his life. We each can listen to that lying little voice who will say that you have no worth. That attacks when you are in your worst moments in life. It will come with words of despair and failure. Words that will strip you of all your self worth. Words to encourage you to quit. Yet, that is not of God. Father does not come to you with words of despair and failure. He will not attack your person. He loves His children. So, to each person comes the moments in time that are pivotal in how we are to continue with life. Will we look up from our weakness and cry out to Father? This is  what we see so strongly in the Psalms. David crying out to Father with pleas for mercy and deliverance. Or will we accept the curses that satan is trying to lay upon our hearts? I have been through the fires of hell on earth that satan visits upon each of us. If you do not believe that hell exists, then you are truly blessed and should live in a continuous song of praise and thanksgiving to our Father. However, if you are like the 99.999% of us who have lived upon this earth for any amount of time, then you will understand that we do live in a never ending cycle of trials designed to test and strengthen our faith in our God.  He is faithful to save. We must not listen to satan's little voice whispering of our humanity and carnal failures. We must allow God to rescue us and in doing so strengthen our faith. But here is the other side, when we do this, not only do we receive a blessing but others can see our victory and will want the same. For it is not our victory but our Father's and He will surely bless others, who by watching your victory, call on His name for their own victory as well. This will speak for us about God's love and mercy. What a wonderful feeling, when you completely surrender to Father's will and allow Him to save you. When you have been curled up in pain and TRUE despair of all your lifelong failures, and then you cry out and suddenly FEELING Father draw near to you! Father's love washing over you and finally knowing that you are alive and will be okay because no matter what may happen, you DO HAVE a loving God who is faithful to save and earnestly listening for your cries of duress and mercy. Oh to be able to live each day in that one moment in time when that knowledge of His presence hits you. WOW. I pray each day that Father renew His Spirit within me in order that I may KNOW that the Spirit is there and I may have peace. May you do the same.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Loving Father

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.”—Seneca
     We of the Church, Christ's Bride, are trying to live righteously as our example lived out His life. We do this for many reasons but today it seems a lot of those reasons are becoming mixed with and stained with worldly reasons as much as what is biblical. We want to be righteous as long as it allows us to remain within the world and not demand that we look too differently from our neighbors. This is completely understandable in that we were created as a social being. We need and covet, yes I did use that term, other peoples approval and acceptance. Our creator made us this way intentionally so that we would seek Him out to be our source of approval and acceptance. Father knew that for us to desire a relationship with Him, He would have to take risk in creating a NEED to be social within each person. That empty place, within each person created, that can only be filled with a social attachment to another. This was intentional and exhibited by all the characters of the bible. Even our Savior had a NEED to fill that void with another and He can be seen loving others and accepting their love in return. Mary, John (his most loved disciple), Peter each are examples for this in Jesus' life. But even more, we see His constant need of approval from His Father. And Father always ensured that He filled that emptiness (like in ,"At this time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. The moment he came out of the water, he saw the sky split open and God’s Spirit, looking like a dove, come down on him. Along with the Spirit, a voice: “You are my Son, chosen and marked by my love, pride of my life.” —Mark 1:9-11."
     However, satan looks at the void as an opportunity to spread his own deceits and designs. Not willing to allow anyone to develop that relationship with Father, satan attempts to change the designs of God's plan and delude Father's children into filling that void with other things. He wants us to fill that emptiness with greed and lasciviousness, malicious thoughts, hungers for more money, power, status, things, etc. He attempts to fill it with hatred and anger or anything that will not allow us to draw near to our Father. He does this with an uncanny ability to twist Father's Word to fit his intent. For example...I was taught Jabez's prayer at a youthful age. It was always held out as a prayer for 'money, and things' by a righteous man and so Father said, "Done. I will give you what you asked." ("Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.—1 Chronicles 4:10.") You see, when I had been taught the prayer, it was for the first half of the prayer...give me. Yet, Jabez did not stop at money and things...he also asked for God to remain near to him and that Father would protect him. Now why would I be taught to look at the worldly things of this prayer and truly only recently be brought to understand the truth of the whole prayer? Satan does not want us to be asking God to fill that void. If I am taught that God answered Jabez' prayer for money and things...then I will ask for the same and when I do not  ask for the relationship, perhaps I will never pursue the intimate and deep love that I could have with my Father. This will open the door for satan to put into that void a spirit of unforgiveness or anger, or hatred or any number of other worldly things that would drive a wedge between me and my God. 
     We all have this same NEED for Father, and His Spirit tries to help us live out our lives as loving children. Father knew satan would try to twist what was intended for good and make it evil. Therefore, He blessed us with a pure and holy gift, His Spirit. This gift was sent freely by our very own Father in an effort to ensure that we do not succomb to satan's evil desires. In the old testament, Father spoke directly to each of His faithful or by His emmisaries, the prophets. No better example of this could be seen than Father's relationship with David. Yet even David was not impervious to satan's temptations and fell often. The difference, David never stopped praying to Father in fear, or in triumph, in pleading for mercy, or prayers of praise for deliverence. David continually sought to fill that empty void with His Father's love and acceptance. Father acknowledged that by calling David a man after God's own heart...'A Man After God's Own Heart'...Wow! To be known by ones peers as a man after God's own heart would be a lifelong achievement but to be KNOWN as a Man After God's Own Heart by our heavenly Father! Now that is an epitaph that I would gladly accept and sing about! Truly, each of us are within reach of this same acknowledgement from our Father as He LONGS (yearns) for the same relationship with each of us as He had with His son David. It is right there for the taking if we would just reach out to Father and take it. Realistically, it is our own guardedness that limits our closeness with our Father. He is the Father in the Prodigal Story. He is waiting and watching eagerly for each of us to return to Him. Honestly, we do not even have to make the whole journey back...Father, RUNS eagerly to each of us who turns to Him crying out for restoration and love. He loves us freely and without reservation from the moment of our birth until our last breath. He wants, hopes, desires, and longs for our love and in return for our giving it, will shower us with blessings and His nearness and His protection throughout our days and even into those of our children. For that was His promise to the Israelites and to all who follow the path of His only Son, "The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.—Proverbs 20:7"
     So our question, will you and I put aside our fears of rejection? Our timidness? Our doubts and lack of trust? Will we ALLOW a loving Father to gather us up and love on each of us as we soo deeply want and NEED. Will we open ourselves to the chance of a REAL and lasting love that no other human can give nor immitate but that we are each promised by a Father who watches hopefully that one day we will accept...this same promise that is without prejudice or stipulations. There will be no rejection or harsh words, no cruel biting and recriminations. God does not love that way and His is a perfect love that will never leave you wanting or looking for something more...humans do not know how to love like that and cannot hope to understand the totallity of a PURE love. But man does it sound majestic and unbelievable to ones who have been yearning for something honest and wholesome but never seeming to find it. I so desperately desire that love and hope. And still I find myself lacking in the faith to reach out to God and grasp what is within reach. Lifes pain and anguish restricts my beliefs and trust; testing my own resolve to seek out Father sometimes even when I know He is the cure. God has everything that I need to live a life of fullness and wholeness yet I am too wounded sometimes to allow healing within. Do not walk that path and suffer unnecessarily. It is a lonely road that leads to depression and pain. It will lead you to a sorrowful end and an unfulfilled life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you to Father's embrace and allow healing and love to fulfill your life that it may be a life of wonder and praise to Father. His love is trustworthy...ALWAYs.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Call to Work

“Have thy tools ready, God will provide thee work.”—Charles Kingsley

     Why do we Christians falter when told to it that we do not want to work or is it that we don't want to seem different? Do we desire to be part of the society that we live within? The Apostles and disciples of the early church were excited about working to spread the Great News of Christ's resurrection yet we barely even mumble it in a crowd and that only after we are sure that the others in the crowd won't look down upon us as we 'Take our Stand' for Christ. Go back and read again Acts 5:32, "We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him." (NIV) When read in context the Apostles are standing before the Chief Priests and are in trouble for speaking boldly to all the Jews about the Great News.
     God called us to work. He told us to spread the Great News of His New Covenant to all the peoples of the earth. Yet, I cannot seem to talk even to my own relatives and next door neighbors about Jesus because I do not want to be 'That Guy' know the one called 'A religious nutcase' or 'Zealot'. Once again we are silent about something that we should be shouting from the rooftops and speaking boldly about in our daily lives yet we have allowed our fear of rejection to dictate our level of commitment to the Word. When we do this we also start shutting out the voice of the Spirit of God. The Spirit was given to us for inspiration and to help us walk in the path of righteousness. It is through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that is a living guidance within each of us, that Father helps us walk in His path to do His good works. Go back and read again 2 Corinthians 3: 1-8 and following. In verses 7-8, "The old way, with laws etched in stone, led to death, though it began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look at Moses' face. For his face shone with the glory of God, even though the brightness was already fading away. Shouldn't we expect far greater glory under the new way, now that the Holy Spirit is giving life?", the writer talks about how Moses' face was shining with God's Glory. When was the last time that you looked in the mirror and saw a countenance that radiated from knowing, TRULY knowing, that Father loved you and you could not wait to share that knowledge with anyone and everyone? When was the last time that you looked in the mirror and saw even a glimpse of a smile from understanding that the Holy Spirit was there with you? That the Spirit was guiding you? How many of us can say that we actually know that the Holy Spirit is alive and well within us, actually KNOW that it is true? We give lip service to it, but like redemption do we REALLY believe it? Who does not fear that they will never be able to DO enough to get into heaven? I struggled with this one for years and although I had been taught from my youth that you cannot work your way into heaven, I still did not believe that I could do enough to blot out all my sins...that I would be able to live up to Father's standards so that I could be saved and not spend eternity in hell. See, that is the lie that satan spins to us...if we buy into having to work for our salvation, then he can always say,"why bother, you cannot do enough to get there. Stop the madness of trying to live right." He is the father of lies and deceit. We can never do enough to EARN salvation, otherwise we would not be saved by Grace. It is because of this that we should be like Moses and allowing the Holy Spirit to radiate out of us; shining forth for all the world to see so that we can speak of the wonderful news that Christ died to save us.
     I have to remind myself daily that I am not able to earn my salvation and not listen to satan's lies. Then I can understand that only by Grace are we saved and healed of our transgressions. This is when it starts to truly sink in just what Father did when He planned out the Crucifixion of His Son. That He loved all of us so much that He allowed Christ to carry that sin into death. Yet, Christ did not stay in the grave but rose again as our one hope for salvation. This is the truth of our Father's love for each of us. It is this knowledge that the Spirit uses to make us into shining beacons of hope and salvation to a world filled with pain and suffering.
     Yet we are also warned never to become prideful of our position in the kingdom. We are to work joyously, but not where others will bring us praise. In Matthew 6:1, "Be careful! When you do good things, don't do those things in front of people. Don't do those things for people to see you. If you do that, then you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." (ERV) We are a carnal people, and crave attention and confirmation from others. However, it is dangerous for us to desire this because to often we become proud of 'our accomplishments' and forget that the deeds we do are not for us but to bring glory to the Lord. It is for that reason we are to take care of the widows and the poor...He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.—Proverbs 19:17 (NIV) But if I receive praise for doing this, then soon I will do this only to receive the confirmation and praise. This becomes a source of pride and personal accomplishment. I will soon forget the truth of the reason behind these charities, that I am to be doing them as a living proof to the world that Father does love and care for all. It is by His grace that I am blessed to be able to help others and is NOT 'about me'. We often forget the reason for why we do these show God's love to a lost world. Father wants us to be so happy and joyful in our daily walks that His Spirit shines forth for all to see and we receive confirmation for our actions by the awesome feelings that we get from the Holy Spirit when we are obedient to the call to help others.
     So here is the question, is there a beacon shining forth from you this day? If not, why not? Stop all the maddening noise and ask Father to renew the Holy Spirit in you so that you can hear Him as He confirms to you that you are saved and loved by the Father. Then don't just drown out the Spirit but follow where He leads. It will always be the Father's path and will include helping those who need it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The 2 Sides of Man

“What fools are they who, for a drop of pleasure, drink a sea of wrath.”
—Thomas Watson
     Within each man that God created He placed a wild spirit that desires to run loose and conquer the world. We each dream dreams of greatness and conquest. Even as little boys, we would run around mimicking our 'Heros'. Whether they were good or bad depended upon each child's desire for greatness...for example, as a child, I remember "wanting to be Billy the Kid or Jesse James!" Wow, those were outlaws. Yet, we were taught they were the Greatest at robbing banks and nobody was faster than Billy the Kid with a gun! We even fought over who got to play which of the bad boys. We were taught to idolize greatness no matter where it came from. Give me a stick and I was John Wayne on a beach in Normandy or any number of other Soldiers to include SGT York. Yet, mostly we were always playing the bad guys, why? We wanted that wild freedom that they exemplified to a child's imagination. To the child, we did not understand the truth of who these individuals were.
     As adults we understand the reality of Billy the Kid and Jesse James. Both lawless men who murdered innocent people or took things that did not belong to them. Billy was a stone cold killer. And living by the sword, he also died by the sword. He chose to get pleasure from causing others to fear him and if they did not; they died. Jesse chose to rob people of their hard earned monies in order to live better than others who were actually working and struggling for a living. This is a life of evil and a reckless pursuit of the wild spirit within each man. So where am I going with this?
     Well an old Indian proverb is that within each man there lives 2 wolves trying to get out, one evil and one good. The one who gets out, or is seen by others, is the one that we feed the most. Our society is filled with individuals feeding the dark wolf. As a representation of our society the political elite exemplify this to the extreme. They no longer listen to their constituents and the public. Instead they only look at how to line their pockets with stolen loot like Jesse James. They lie and steal and take what does not belong to them in the name of 'making things fair for all'. They feel no regret and remorse for their actions, because their conscious has already been seered to where they no longer hear the Good Wolf speaking. We complain about their attitudes and lack of control, but We The People do nothing to correct these outlaws who are taking that which does not belong to them in order to feed those hungry Dark Wolfs of greed, lust, desire, gluttony, and all manner of other evil. But why would we? They are a small sample of our own society which has been going down the same path for years.
     So what? Why change when no one really wants to change things anyway? Why should I change if no one else is going to join me? The truth is this, we are past the point of changing and avoiding retribution. We The People stood silently by and allowed these new values to become the norm and so have sown the seeds of retribution just as those who are actually guilty of these sins. We are guilty of supporting them as they lied and cheated and stole our nation, turning it into a nation of thieves and murders. Therefore we exemplify the message in Proverbs 11:16, "A kindhearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth." We are not respected by our neighbors within our own country and the other nations no longer respect nor fear us. We The People are considered weak and unable to stand up to the harshness of others, even a small group like terrorists can conquer us because we are a lazy and uncommitted people. We do not even have the stomach to see a conflict through to the end. If you doubt me, turn back and read about Vietnam again and now in Iraq and soon to be Afghanistan. We claim victory in word, but we are only fooling ourselves as the peoples of  the world watch us turn tail when the cost of victory is 'too high' to pay. Really? What price was originally paid for Victory? What price did our forefathers place upon Liberty and Freedom? Which among them would be proud today of the way we allow our great nation to tuck tail due to a lack of true understanding? God did not give us a Spirit of Fear. He gave to us a Spirit of Freedom. Yet, we hide behind the first part of that verse and say that we are 'kindhearted'...again I ask, Really? Living in fear is not what that verse refers to. It is talking about giving to the needy or standing up for others when they are not able to. We The People have turned that proverb into a statement that kills our Spirit of Freedom. We hide behind it because we are afraid to pay the price of that Freedom and so do not deserve it.
     I have witnessed my brothers laying down their swords and refusing to stand because of the Word. God says He is a God of love so we must love like He did. I have even seen brothers who use Matthew 5-46-48 as an excuse to not fight, "If you love only the people that love you, then you will get no reward. Even the tax collectors do that. And if you are nice only to your friends, then you are no better than other people. Even the people without God are nice to their friends. So you must be perfect, the same as your Father in heaven is perfect." (ERV) I cannot determine for them what is right and what is wrong but before you tell me that God is only a God of love then explain to me the God of the Israelites in the Old Testament who demanded that ALL the peoples be slaughtered. Not just the men, God told them to kill the women and children as well. So before you tell me that I am totally out of line with this, please justify to me the genocide that occurred when the Israelites were to take their land of inheritance. This verse tells us to love others no matter their race or nationality, but it does not tell us to lay down our arms and not fight them for the Freedoms we were given by our Father in heaven. Where does it tell me that I cannot fight to protect my family? It doesn't, and in fact further on even Christ talks of laying down your life for another. Is that just in a peaceful society type situation or was he talking to all our struggles? I say that it was an example of why we went into Vietnam and Iraq. We may not have gone into those nations to only protect and free those peoples from tyranny and oppression but that was at least one of the reasons. Yet, we allowed others within our society to dictate our own level of commitment and determination to fulfill the freeing of those peoples. We The People of this land no longer want to work or fight so we are sheep that have been turned out into the wilds where the wolves are already coming for the feast.
     God no longer calls us Sons and Daughters...and why should He when we do not fight to keep Him in our country? The bible says, "Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.—Psalm 119:1 (NIV) Yet, we have stopped walking in those paths. How can we walk in those paths when every day more and more of those pathways are removed from us by our own neighbors? They tell us to shut up and we tuck our tail like good little cowards because we do not have the stomach to fight for our own Freedoms. When will We The People understand that all these things that are occurring are due to our own fears and unwillingness to Stand up for God? When will we say, "ENOUGH! I am done living in fear of offending you and am going to live in fear of God? When will we men 'Stand and Show Ourselves The Men' for our Father? When will we decide enough is enough and we are going to blaze the path ahead on the Straight and Narrow, no matter what satan and his followers want? Only then can we say that we are Men of God.
     If we would only feed the correct wolf, the good one, then we could make a real difference in our communities, our states and in OUR nation. Then perhaps our Father would say again to us as He did to Israel so long ago, "And I will never again turn my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit upon the people of Israel. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!"—Ezekiel 39:29 
     Then we could once again be the shining light to all the peoples of the world. A nation that others truly respected and evil men feared. A nation that our Father in heaven could live within and bless as a nation of His Children.