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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

plea for unity

when our father laid out his plan for the church, body of believers, i do not believe he intended for us to strong arm each other or force our own beliefs on each other. we are to actually search his word and develop our own faith built upon what is written in his inspired word with liberal prayer and fasting added. yes, i did add fasting, something that i had never truly  done until recently. i ask you to please bear with me as i try to present my position. no this time it is not, first person. when king david went dancing in the street singing and dancing naked, i do not believe that was god inspired. however, god was pleased by his worship. he did not rebuke king david for it, on the contrary, he rebuked davids wife for her attitude about davids worship. i am not by the way advocated naked street dancing. jesus didnt rebuke the pharasees for their lack of worship. they worshiped all the time. they just did it wrong. they were to caught up in the how not the why. in other words they forgot that god wants ourhearts. he is more concerned about where our hearts are in worship than if we are in a building, singing, dancing, or playing in a band. what we cannot forget is that we are here to serve others not be served. that means that if we wash another brother or sisters feet fora time then we do so. paul and barnabas did have a split over john mark as was mentioned in class. yet because of barnabas,the great encourager, john mark later became one of pauls greatest souces of comfort.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No longer Sons and Daughters of God

Where are you My sons? Where are the warriors and strong men that I initially envisioned when I first thought of you? Why have you twisted My words? Did I not inspire them? Did I not give them to be written by My servants? Yet you have allowed the wolves that I warned you about to make you men of fear. Slaves to be ruled over. Yet you have allowed 'Learned Men' to change the meanings of the word meek to mean 'weak'. Why would I create in you a spirit of strength and wildness, only to make you a slave? Did I place a woman as your master or your helpmate? Did I not place the heart of a stallion within your breast? Why do you cower in front of the deceiver and his minions? I gave to you a land. A great land, of bounty for you to inhabit and conquer. Your forefathers were faithful and true warriors. They understood the meaning of meekness 'strength under control' not weakness. They were mighty men. Strong in the spirit and in faith. They were not afraid of life and death. For what is to fear? Which of you can add a single breath of life to your days, which I have already counted, by hiding in fear? Who is it that has convinced you that you should be silent while they steal away, like thieves, with all the freedoms that I bestowed upon you? This is no longer a land worthy of being called 'Sons of God' for My Sons are not slaves. They do not grovel before their enemies. I do not even recognize those who kneel before Me now. Are you men? GET UP! If you would be called Sons of God, then I bid you STAND NOW! I am coming to remove from you My presence, My lampstand. For you no longer have a spirit to fight for Me. If you would but remember who you are then I would acknowledge you still. Yet you will not. You have already given up. Therefore, I hand you over to be slaves. The wolves are already howling and charging in for the slaughter. Prepare yourselves for the time is near when they will fall upon you.
My Daughters, why have you not been the helpmates that I created you to be? Did I create in you strength to exceed that of My sons? Each of you were given a heart to feel close to Me and communicate more clearly with Me, yet you have lost your hearts. Where have they gone? Did you hide them in the rush of this life and pursuit of things? Did you forget Me for love of adventure? Did you tear out your heart for power? I have cried many tears at the loss of My daughters for each has a piece of My heart. Yet you have forsaken Me also. You could have helped My sons to return to Me, to hear Me, to remember Me, and yet you yourselves were deaf to me. Therefore, I have torn out that part of My heart no more to feel those pains. I will now hand you over with those men you were to be helpmates for. You were to complete them as Christian warriors, now you will suffer with them in slavery. All they suffer, you will suffer as well. And do not think you can escape by becoming as Jezebel or Delilah for I will ensure you receive your full measure.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

about the blogger

The short story of the writer...
A few years ago, my wife and I were in school writing college papers and reviewing each others. It helps to edit each others papers. Especially when you are like me and cannot spell and grammer is definitely not a strength. But we encouraged each other, with a little bit of friendly competition on paper grades (truthfully a lot), yet she always seemed to be a little bit ahead of me. Oh well, I chalk it up to her being super smart. An unfair advantage. As the years passed, I felt that I should try my hand at writing. I thought it would be some kind of science fiction or war novel or something like that. I had too many skeletons in the closet to be writing christian 'stuff'. I was a walking mausoleum. A nice male building on the outside full of bones and skeletons on the inside. There was just no way God would want or could use me to write anything of use. However, my beautiful bride kept telling me to try writing something. She believed that perhaps there was a writer inside of me that Father was waiting to bring forth. I kept putting it off and saying no...not me, I cannot do that. t I would continue to stand up to the evil one and write what is given to me.
I went on a Quest to find my heart again...and to find my Father. I found both. When I did, I also found that the voice that had been urging me to write was my Master's voice wanting to warn us to return to Him. I had been running from Him as Jonah did and so I was stripped bare. He took me to the wilderness on the Quest and He helped me break down the walls that I had been building and hiding behind for all those years. So now I have no excuses not to write what my Father tells me to. Except for my desire for my world not to change, for everything to stay the same; I want everything to remain within my comfort zone so that I can have all the blessing that my Father has loaned to me. Yet He has shown me there will be changes. And I procrastinated hoping that somehow not writing would make God change His plans. Dumb, Yes. Silly, also yes. I knew better, but I allowed the deceiver to convince me to try anyway. Couldn't hurt right? Wrong. I have repented my sin of laziness and slothfulness. I was showing weakness to our enemy. So I ask you who actually stop by and glance at this to pray for me, and pass this along to others that they would also pray for me tha

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The First of Today's Jonah's warnings from the Father

To my faithful in the promised land of the free. I have watched over and loved you for more than 200 years and nurtured you even as you were a young and wild natured child.You were so free and beautiful to me. I loved you for your spirit of adventure and love of life. Your naivety. You were cast out and forlorn from so many places on this land that I created. Yet I chose you, I said come," worship me, I will give you a new land and a new place where no one will persecute you for how you choose to worship. You can worship me with freedom from condemnation and persecution by those who claim to represent me. I will allow you to study my ways freely through my word and direct your walk if you will only choose to walk in my path. Your forefathers chose to 'keep My charges and walk in My ways. They kept My statutes, My commandments, My precepts, and My testimonies as they were written to all my children. So that they prospered in all they did and wherever they went. (paraphrase from 1Kings 2:3)'. And I looked down from My throne with pride and joy in My children and blessed them richly. Their struggles became My victories. The world looked on at 13 small colonies that I turned into a strong nation. One Nation Under God. Your founding fathers looked to me for guidance and wisdom, because it was My wisdom that set into plan the foundation of this galaxy; this solar system; this planet and your own governing system. If you doubt Me, look back at your historical documents. The actual documents signed by My sons Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington...Do you think it was by accident that My son George Washington was chosen to lead the continental army? And do you think I would allow my children to be beaten by another? It was My intervention that allowed My son George to lead his men across the Delaware River on that night. It was I who intervened during the Civil War to ensure the continuation of the nation of My chosen. Yet even at that early an era in your history you had already started to look to other lesser gods. Lands to grab from each other or the people who were already here. I did not ordain this. As you moved West you found gold and silver and loved them more than Me.Your life was filled with a wildness due to the wilderness that I gave to you and you reveled in it. It gave me great joy to watch you challenge yourself and conquer your fear and the lands. But it was never enough for you. Once you had reached the western ocean you wanted more. You eventually turned to conquering each other and finding better ways to increase your own wealth. You forgot Me. You have forgotten your heart. You have forgotten family. You have forgotten how to be a neighbor, to care for the widow and orphans. You are no longer a Nation Under God but a nation of greed and corruption. You are more concerned with the gluttony of your eyes and your hands than the wellspring of life from your heart. I have wept tears for you My children because you have forgotten Me. You have forgotten to care for Me. You no longer care for My needy ones as you turn your heads while stopped at the stop lights. You do not offer a hand to the motorist on the side of the road. You do not open the door for an old man or woman nor a woman with a small child. When was the last time you fed Me? When was the last time you shared a prayer with someone hurting? When was the last time you blessed one of My children for helping you? When was the last time you allowed one of My children to bless you? No, You have FORGOTTEN ME! I am no longer FIRST in your lives. I once before chose a nation of peoples. I felt that they were a worthy people. A nation of people to be proud of. Who would love me and I would love them first forever. But throughout their history they continually forgot Me. They would chase after other lesser gods. Those idols made of materials that I created. INSULTING! I would become jealous of them and their adulterous ways and send them into slavery with their idols. Each time they would cry out  and I would save them. This cycle of sin and redemption continued until I sent My own Son to die for all. That was a final sacrifice. One time for all. His pure and untainted blood paid the price for all the sins of My children who are and will be believers. Yet, you must be faithful! My son (apostle) Paul told you that you must fight the good fight and continue the race (marathon) until I call you. Then you have to answer for what you have done. Yet you are not fighting the fight any longer. You like Israel, have chosen to abandon Me. So now, I am sending My angel to remove My lampstand from your midst. You will no longer have My providence and protection. You will no longer know My love and power in the face of your enemies. I will hand you over to your lusts and depravity. You will now know the meaning of slavery and misery.