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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sexual Abomination

     In the beginning, I created you all men to be strong and free. To rule all that you laid your eyes upon. To run like the stallions, free upon the open ranges with a heart free and wild. Yet, I also breathed into you life and wisdom greater than that of any animal. What animal has an intelligence that can match even the least of My sons in intelligence? Yet, you lower yourselves to the basest instincts of an animal. No, for even an animal knows the difference between male and female. Yet, you cannot tell a man from a woman. In your lust, My sons chase after women and men, and My daughters chase after both men and women. Do you not even know for what you were made? Do you not understand the difference between a man and a woman?     
     In the beginning, did I not tell my Angels to destroy Sodom and  Gomorrah and the surrounding cities for their abominable acts? They were such an offense that their stench reached to the heavens and so I rained destruction upon them. Then, My son Paul gave you My word that homosexuality was a sin to Me. All sexual sin is a sin against the temple of the Holy Spirit. For does not My Spirit reside within you? Therefore, you are sinning against My Spirit doubly when you commit sexual sin. But it is an abomination for a man to join with another man as with a woman, or a woman with another woman. Do you realize that you are forcing My Spirit to participate in this sin? There are some of you who would change My word and the purpose of My vengence and I will visit upon you the curses promised in My Word. For it is My word NOT yours! What arrogance that you in your wisdom believe you can change My Perfect Words to fit your desires so that you can live the abominal life you have chosen. SO BE IT! I abandon you to it.
     For those who would keep My commands, harken now to what I say, "I am coming swiftly to visit My justice upon this abominable land. My patience and waiting is over. Behold, the time is near. You will know that I have spoken because this land will be torn. I will visit upon this wicked people such a scurge as has not been seen since the Roman and Grecan Empires fell. Loud will be the noise of the fall. Many will leave this land."
     Even now, My Angels have removed the flame of My presence from among you and are withdrawing. I am leaving you to your lacivious and abominable ways. I give you over to all your abominable practices and idols. Soon you will feel the full weight of the destruction that is coming upon you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Core Values

Riding home from work last night, I was contemplating Core Values and what that really means to me. A picture of an apple core came into my mind with only the core of the apple left. Inside this are the life of the apples of the future. The seeds. They are the core values of these apples for without them the apple will only feed you once. From the seeds come the true wellspring of life that will feed many throughout a season. Our core values are what we place upon our children's hearts and those we come into contact with whom we mentor. We write a few small tenants upon their soul that will change how they view and interact with the world. 
Different groups in this country hold out different standards of values as their list of ideal values. It is these values that they want to build the foundation of their group or community. The issue is that we start learning our true values at a young age. I truly believe that this is one of the reasons Father was so protective of little children. He tells His people to teach His commandments to their children writing them upon their hearts. It is by training up the  child in the way he should go (values) that ensures he will not depart from them.
We have forgotten this simple teaching and so are suffering the consequences of our lack of teaching. If we wish to win the hearts and minds of a foreign country, the method of choice has been to focus on the next generation. Yet, we as christians are not learning this simple lesson. If we want to return God to this country we should focus on winning the next generation for Him.
When was the last time you talked about the Be Attitudes? When was the last time you discussed the Ten Commandments? When was the last time you sat with your children or anyone and impressed upon them the need to love your neighbor as yourself?