I have dreamed and dreamed of fires spreading from the West starting in California that will soon spread to Oregon and Washington, Arizona, Nevada and the flames of which will engulf the whole of these United States. I do not believe that it was only the new legislation that Senator Feinstein is pushing but all our country will be embroiled soon in the flames of dissolution and secession.
God said in Genesis 3 that," man would eat by the sweat of his brow." When he kicked him out of Eden and by that he meant that he would have to work for his food. God said that we would have to work to eat. Not that some would work and others would be able to sit at home watching television or doing something else living off what the Government provided. No where in God's Word did it make allowance for someone who was capable of working to sit around and do nothing but get paid for it by the Government. Our Government, was originally written by the Founding Fathers with Bible in hand as a guide, to give us a set of documents that would allow us Freedoms to live within. There were no taxes in those original documents nor were the original legislators paid. They felt compelled to volunteer, at risk of life and limb, as patriots to this budding Nation. We have now made our legislators a paid position and they feel that they are above the law and not compelled to live within the same standards as 'We The People'. Why? Are they superior to those they are supposed to be 'serving'?
So why is the Government now paying individuals to sit at home and do nothing? Well, 'We The People' are supposed to believe that it is 'Fair'. Yes, that is correct. It is fair for them to sit at home and do nothing and be paid for it because our economy is on a downswing/recession. So rather than getting a lesser paying position or multiple lesser paying positions or selling 'things/toys', the rest of us have to cover the bill. I personally do not have an issue assisting those who cannot work, such as the widows/orphans/wounded soldiers. These are individuals who NEED assistance not a lifestyle change. Those who are capable of working and used to earning more than they can earn now...sorry but that means you need to adjust your lifestyle. Not pleasant but necessary. I have had to do so in the past and although it is difficult, it is a part of life. God did not promise you would be rich or comfortable, he promised you that he would never forsake you and that you would be able to live a joyful and full life. If you believe that this is not Biblical, turn to 2Thes 3:10 and enjoy knowing that even the Lord Our God desires us to work as he told Adam.
So what about taking money from We The People to give to failing Businesses? Once again, this was not in the Founding Father's plan nor was it taught in College Economics. There was no class on business that should not be allowed to fail for the good of all. In fact, my instructors all taught just the opposite. That in a Free Market System, any and all businesses were supposed to be able to compete on equal footing. The need has arisen for tariffs and other support mechanisms to support our businesses in part due to 'unfair' business practices on the part of foreign governments. But truly, most of the issues we see today are with our own inability to compete on level ground with foreign competition.
Division is coming to these great States and it will be soon. God has left us to our own dealings. We have told him that we do not need him in our lives any longer and so like Greece and Rome we too will fall. The pieces are in place and God has placed the means of our downfall into position. He ordained the leadership of this nation, and has used it to drive a wedge that will split us apart. Already they have emergency powers over all things and soon they will attempt to take away our guns. When they attempt to collect the guns the fires will start and spread throughout the nation ending forever the flight of the Eagle.
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