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Friday, April 13, 2012

Challenging Thoughts on Women Leadership

This morning as I drove to work I was praying as I usually do and asking Father to give me something to write about. I was not necessarily thinking about the blog and religously contentious thoughts but Spirit did talk to me about Women and their place in service.

What was given to me was this, son's of God, the reason that our Father is raising up so many of His daughters to be Speakers and Leaders in His Churchs is because His sons are not Chazaq'ing (for those who do not understand this word it means Showing Yourself The Man). This was very disturbing for me on multiple levels. First, I am still old school enough that I have felt that it is the man's place to lead in the service. Yet, the Spirit just affirmed that God did raise up these daughters to lead. This immediately took me back to the Book of Judges and the story of Deborah and Barak. This story describes how a man fails to lead when called upon by Father and  the results were that God gave the final glory to a woman. Read the story again in Judges 4. I wanted to challenge the Spirit and say that only the sons are to lead that it was to us that God gave authority. Yet, then Phoebe popped into my mind with a challenge to explain the reference to her as a Deacon in the Church in Cenchrea, Romans 16:1.

The Spirit was leading me down the path to knowledge that in the absence of willing sons our Father will raise up His daughters to lead His church. What we are witnessing today here in America is not so much a change to what has always been but a condemnation of the sons who are not showing themselves the man. We have not stepped up as men to lead the Church as Christ showed us how. We have allowed ourselves to be immasculated and become euniches in the eyes of our Father and the world by our lack of courage and strength. Therefore, our Father has taken our glory and given it to His daughters.

When I was thinking of challenges to these thoughts, I was immediately taken to the New Testament and the story of Peter's vision of the unclean food that God had declared clean, Acts 10:9-17. I cannot say that I am comfortable with what I was given as I am sure Peter was not. However, I also cannot say that I am ready to challenge God as Job did. I will follow where the Spirit leads and pray that He helps me to Show Myself The Man when Father calls and to accept the 'clean food' God has provided. And He has all power and authority in heaven and on earth.

Today, we sons of God need to step forward with a spirit of courage and boldness asssured that our Father has already given us the victory. If we would do this, God could empower us and lift us up as His One in a Thousand (reference to old testament Mighty men).

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