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Friday, May 10, 2013

Day of Reckoning Approaching

“Sin is like quicksand: Your own efforts only make you sink deeper. Only an outside hand can pull you out.”—Author Unknown
     The newest issues we see in Washington are highlighting the state of moral decay within our society. We have individuals in power who are so callous that they do not even care about the deaths of their own countrymen. The only perceived concern is "can I use this to bring down the other political party or how can I make this go away to ensure I continue to rule." Truthfully, there has already been enough information in the press, both written and verbal, to suggest that the current administration is attempting to cover up the lack of support and concern for their appointed Ambassador and his staff. Equally reprehensible is the attempts by the members of the Congressional Commission conducting the inquiry who sling about allegations that the right wing is using this to slander the Obama administration. What is expressly disturbing to me is the fact that many believe this and agree with Hilary's statement, "this happened a long time ago, what does it matter!" People are so oblivious to what is important that they do not care what happened in our embassy in Libya.
     When We the People only care about what is happening in our own tiny little portion of these United States and continue to worry about 'can I get another handout from government', then we have truly lost all moral fabric and no longer deserve the freedoms that our brave men and women are fighting to protect. How, can we say that 4 patriots lives were worthless? Are we so callous and our hearts so blackened that we cannot even see that our elected officials sacrificed those men to retain their power? Will we now turn our heads and allow this administration to use their slight of hand tactics to bring We The People's attention to other things such as gun control and education? What is wrong with us? Do We the People even care about anything other than what is happening in our own front yards? I weep for this generation as we allow these power mongers to destroy our constitution that they swore to defend and uphold.
      Understand this though, God sees all things and He is the authority that decides which man rises and which falls. It is God who puts a man upon a throne and He also strips him of power. Only the righteousness of the ruler is acceptable to God and if that individual abuses his authority, it will be God who brings about his fall. Remember that it was God who anointed Saul to sit on the Israelite throne and it was God who had David anointed when He became angry with Saul's unrighteous acts. Saul lost his throne because he felt that he was almighty and could do what he pleased even to disobeying our Lord. Today, we see our own elected officials doing these same things with the power that they were given. They are abusing that power as they feel they are almighty. They believe that they are untouchable. God promises justice to His faithful and He is a God of vengeance. However, God will also allow We The People to experience his wrath for our own selfishness and callousness. "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."—2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)  If We The People do not wake up from our lazy and self centered lives we will find that God is not here at all and we are now slaves to a tyrannical government such as what came to be in Rome and Greece. Yes, we thought we were the only government that ever attempted the democratic rule but they were before us. Only by our deep religious heritage have we maintained our own democratic rule for so long. Those individuals who propose otherwise are only fooling themselves and listening to satan's lies. Satan has won the ear of most of our leadership. They sold themselves to him for power and gold. Yet, satan only gives power for so long before he turns on those who live for him. He is the great deceiver and uses his servants to kill and destroy. He loves nothing. If you doubt me look at what he did to Job in the old testament. Satan even twisted Job's wife and friends to turn on him. We are in great danger in this nation as we have allowed Satan's followers to remove God from our books, educational system, and our government. With each victory that these individuals win in our society, God withdraws even further from us. Soon, very soon, God our true Founding Father will no longer reside with us. He will abandon us to our own rulers who We The People chose. Upon that day this nation will fall and we will experience true destitution.
     I have written about the coming destruction and desolation that will soon be visited upon this country. Today, I was given another verse to think upon. 'No Peace Here - Matthew 10:34-37'
"Don't think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace. I came to bring a sword. I have come to make this happen: 'The people in a person's own family will be his enemies. A son will be against his father. A daughter will be against her mother. A daughter-in-law will be against her mother-in-law.' Any person that loves his father or mother more than he loves me is not good enough to follow me. Any person who loves his son or daughter more than he loves me is not good enough to follow me." (ERV)  Jesus was telling his followers that to truly follow the Christ was not an easy road. There would be many, even our own families that would turn on the Christians. Today, we are seeing this fulfilled in our own country more and more. And honestly, many Christians are hiding or turning away from Christ in fear of persecution. Is that what our Lord deserves? When the road that Christ laid out for us gets tough, is it now okay to run and hide in fear? Where are you Mighty Men of God? Where are you Daughters of the Highest King? You Women of Cahil? Do we cower in fear or will we finally stand for God? I understand fear. It is a tool of satan to freeze God's faithful into inaction. Only by overcoming that fear do we learn courage. I ask you all to pray for the courage to stand up for our Founding Father. To stand and be heard as Christians and believers in the One True God. So that He will know that not all of His followers have become sheep for the slaughter.
     A final word of warning, I know that this was not the original intent of this message. However, look closely at the dissolution of families. When war comes to this land, this will be what happens as it was during the first Civil War so will it be with us. Our very homes will be shattered as we fight to survive. Yet, it does not have to be this way. If we will again bring God back into our land, our homes, our families, our schools, and our government. Please pray that Father will put righteous men in all our positions of power. That we may once again be a Nation of God.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

120 Pieces of Silver

14 Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the leading priests 15 and asked, "How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?" And they gave him thirty pieces of silver. 16 From that time on, Judas began looking for the right time and place to betray Jesus. Matthew 26 (NLT)

     Right now there is a Congressional Hearing taking place that will likely be ridiculed by some and ignored by others. We are in the midst of trying to find out the truth of what occurred in Benghazi, Libya on Sep 11, 2012. This has been going on for more than 8 months now. So according to Mrs Hilary Clinton, "Why does this matter? It is old news." Dem Rep. Elijah Cummings during the Benghazi Hearing is this as a “Media Campaign” for "Fallout Over Attack on the Benghazi compound massacre." He stated that this should not even be news but is insinuating that this is a political move by the Republican Party to defame this administration. So what is the bid deal? Why do We The People need to find the answers to this? Is this just more hype that interferes with my tremendously busy living schedule? I mean Really! Why should I even care about 4 men who died in a place that I probably cannot even find on a map! What is soooo wrong with this that I should concern myself? Didn't some guy named Pres Nixon have issues? And what about every ones go to Pres Ronald Reagan and the Congo or was it Contra Affair? We don't need to talk about Pres Bill...I mean that was just a man having sex, right?

     If We The People do not pull our heads out of the sand now, at this very time, you may find that when you do finally decide to wake up to the actions of these elected and appointed officials your world will be entirely changed.

     So to you Madame Secretary and you "Honorable" Mr Cummings, I say that it does matter. It matters that you broke faith with our own People. You who are so willing to look the other way while you are sitting here in this land safe and sound, sell our Ambassador and his staff off for the price of an office. You want to sweep this away and hide everything that happened. You swore an oath to this country to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic Madame Secretary. You promised to Represent your constituents and hold true faith in executing your duties as a Representative Mr Cummings. Yet, both seem more intent on political gain and holding the Party Line than in determining the truth of these deaths. "From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands rewards him."—Proverbs 12:14 So conversely, if what we say and do is wrong then we are filled with evil things. I would remind you both, if in front of you, that although you lie to We The People, you cannot lie to God. He knows what is in each of your hearts.

    We know that the embassy was understaffed. That point cannot be disputed. We also know that a request was forwarded for more security prior to the event. We know now that the February 17th Brigade was the security that was hired to protect the embassy and that they were connected to Islamist Terrorist Groups. This was known prior to their hiring and up to the point they abandoned the embassy personnel to be butchered by some of this administration. If you have been watching and reading the news at all, you know that the situation room at the White House had live feed and was watching the attack via Unmanned Aircraft. We also know that there were Forces prepared and ready to fly in to relieve the embassy and fight off the attackers, yet they were ORDERED to stand down. We know that there was also at least One Aircraft Carrier Group in the area with the capability to respond to a distress call. What we do not know, and what everyone was trying to hide is why these 4 American Men were abandoned to death by their Government? What was the reasoning behind their sacrifice? The Military and public servants know that sometimes the ultimate sacrifice is necessary for victory, yet what was the victory to be gained by these men's deaths? Not one official has yet come forward and stated the need for this.

     If you are a believer then you know the story of Judas' betrayal and that he sold his Master for the price of an Egyptian Slave (30 pieces of silver). We The People are seeing the same mentality from our own administration as we witness the threats and attempts to cover up what occurred in Benghazi.
The Ambassador and his staff were abandoned to their deaths by the very people who put them in harms way to start with. If we had been at war with Lybia, then I could understand a little better the reason for this, but we weren't. If we had been, the Ambassador and his staff would never have been there to start with. So the only explanation that I can come up with is that they were sacrificed. What I do not know is, why. Mr Nixon did Watergate to ensure he regained his presidential office. What it did was ensure that he would not be president when We The People discovered the truth. Yet, now I shudder to think about the actions of  this administration and their political party as they attempt to hide the truth of Benghazi from the people. They are attempting to play down this whole thing and make it a none issue. Really? If that is their true feelings, then did they really care about 20 children in a school dying? You say that this is not the same thing but I say that it is. If those 4 lives meant so little that they will do everything in their power to hinder and stymie the discoverance of the truth to these men's deaths, then they cared nothing for those children except that they could use them for political purposes. What is really amazing to me is the lack of interest in this by most of We The People. We The People do not care about those 4 lives. How do I know this? Because, if that were not so then that State Representative would not be supporting his party lines with the belief that he can assist in hiding the truth. He would be actually trying to ask probing questions about what happened and who knew what. Yet, he is so sure of his constituents lack of concern for  this issue that all he does is make statements during his turn to find the truth. He only points fingers of blame for this 'whole media campaign' to defame the administration. He calls this service to We The People?This is a telling sign of apathy upon our part as We The People. When we do not care if the Man in the White house lies to us about the deaths of 4 of our countrymen and tries to hide the truth of those deaths, then we are just as guilty of their demise as he is. We might as well have had sex with the intern, because we did not care that Mr President did. We were only concerned that he get the meaning of 'is' correct.

     So what do I truly think...that our Father uses all things for His glorious purpose. I have stated before that we are on the road to destruction and that We The People are walking down this pathway happily singing our praises and saying prayers to God. Yet, we like sheep are walking blindly toward the cliff that will drop us to our downfall. We walk along willingly as our leaders continue to say follow me, I know a better pasture for you. But it is not a pasture where we go. It is to the shearers and the butchers. As with Israel before us, we have forgotten our Father and He is abandoning us to our own depravity. If We The People would just look up from the pig pen as the prodigal son did and realize that our Father still loves us and wants to maintain a relationship with us. Then we could return to His ways and He would run to meet us and put us back on the pathway to righteousness.