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Monday, July 9, 2012

A Message Against the Clergy

Usually, I just start writing what I am given. However, this has caused some readers to have issues with my writings. Therefore, I will preface this writing and all others from now on with acknowledging that these words are not mine. I was given them and will write them as best I can. Staying true to what I received.

To the Priests, Ministers, Pastors, and ordained Clergy who claim to follow the Lord. How dare you change His words! You who are to be leaders of His flocks, feel that you are man or woman enough to impersonate God. Were you there in the Beginning when God laid the foundation of the earth? Did you set the Stars in the sky? Can you make a plant grow overnight without aid from the Lord Almighty? What power do you have except that which is given you by our Father?

Yet, you change the very words set in His Book! You who He created from dust feel emboldened to change the very essence of what was written by God. Are you God?

Which of you created man and woman? Can you also set the days of a man on earth? Do you know your own days? Yet, you feel you can change God's view of a man and woman. Can you, by your authority forgive man's sin? Can you Save a man from the fires of hell through your own sacrifice? Then how do you fogive that which God has condemned? Did the Lord not call homosexuallity a sin? And what about adultry and fornication or beastiality? Where in the Word did the Father give permission to clergy to sodomize children? Yet, you have called it forgiven even without repentance. How Dare You! The punishment listed in Revelations is waiting for you.

Or why do you change the way God gave you to worship Him because of a lawsuit? Do you fear the laws of man more than God? Or do you not TRUST Him? If someone is threatening God's flock, why do you not cry out to our Father in heaven? God is faithful to those that love Him and wait upon Him. Yet, you do not wait upon God, but in your haste try to find your own solution. Therefore, the Lord will allow you to fail upon your own so that you will learn to look to Him, but you do not. Then you blame Him for not saving you. Why? Did God not tell you this would happen?

You men continually point to the women that God has raised and say that they are to remain silent in church. Yet, I do not hear your voices. Where were you when your voices were needed to turn around God's flocks and preach the Good News to the Land? How many men of courage stepped forward when God's Name was being taken out of our public places and prayer was banished. Do you now question Father's right to raise up His daughters of faith when you would not answer His call? Look to the old testament and see how God deals with weak men. Barak lead the attack but it was a woman who received the glory for the victory.

Why do you fight amongst yourselves when the very foundation of the Nation God gave to you is falling apart? You continually bicker like children about which is better or worse and who is first or least when the very house you are living in is about to be stripped away from you. The Lord gave you freedom to worship Him in this land in Spirit and Truth. He did not dictate to you a set of creeds or statutes and by laws such as was written so long ago by the Pharasees and Sadducees. What God wanted was your hearts and souls. He wanted to be your God and your one true passion. Through your love and devotion to Him, He finds joy and great happiness. However, He will not force himself upon you and we have left Him so He is allowing us to go our own way. 

Repent now and return to the Lord Almighty all you Leaders and Clergy that those who follow you can see your return to the Father and will in turn repent. In this way, you will renew your vows to your God and He will once again accept you as His children and the leaders of His flocks.

I pray that God our Father grants those who read this and takes this message to heart mercy and grace. That He will shower you and all your loved ones with blessings. That you may walk side by side with our Lord and He will keep you now and forever Amen


Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Authorship and Sanity of the Writer

I am sorry that it has been a while since my last post. I have been away on work related travel. That has kept me quite busy and unable to write. I have another post that I must write but was also inspired to discuss a question of authorship and sanity.

I have not, and will not try to assert or claim that I am in any measure divine or God. I am His son by His grace and mercy through the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. I claim sonship only and servanthood through the baptism for the remission of my sins and receipt of the Holy Spirit. I am no apostle nor am I a prophet. I have not nor will I claim to be anything other than a man who loves the Lord.

Yes, I do write some of the blogs in first person. Those are the writings that I feel led to write by the Spirit. When I first was given to write these warnings, I tried to deny an ability to write or communicate effectively with an audience. I was challenged to write the messages anyway. I will not go into this as some will say that I am crazy and others that I am just another individual looking to gain notoriety. Unfortunately, neither is true but were one true I would prefer to be crazy.

Each time I am given a writing, I attempt to write it as given. I could put in The Lord says, or some other biblical beginnings. However, that is not how I receive them and so I do not. For those of you who say that my words are from the evil one...let me pose this question to you, has Satan or would he ever attempt to bring about the repentance of a people? No. Yet, the writings I have written are warnings to repent. Satan already has most of the American populace and so would not wish to preach repentance. Well then, where did these come from? I am no preacher and definitely no clergy. I claim no great religious background nor understanding. For those who still need more then perhaps a relook at the message in Luke 11: 14-23. Jesus tells about a house divided not standing, as a quick synopsis for those who do not remember it.

So the question that I now pose to you, is can you believe that our Father is trying to reach out to all of us with a message of impending judgment such as that promised upon the 7 churches in Revelations or do you still intend to question my right of authorship (which I do not claim to have any) and sanity? I humbly submit that perhaps that is the greatest deceit of all. Satan has us so concerned with these things that we forget to focus on what truly matters, saving the lost...or in this case the saving of our Nation. One Nation Under God. Either way, I do ask that you pray for our Nation and that God will not dispense His divine judgment upon us as we deserve. A true and radical reformation of our Nations principles will be needed to change what is to come. Some say it is too late. I believe that Father loves us and would relent if we will only start moving in His direction. He would run to us as the Father ran to the Prodigal Son. But we have to cry out to Him.

I pray Father's blessings upon you all and ask Him to open the flood gates of His love and mercies to each of you.