The Founders of this Nation used inspiring words while penning the 'Charters of Freedom' and then the Declaration of Independance and Constitution. These words included Liberty, Justice, Representation, and many others but none more profound than 'Freedom'. You see all these were concepts that each man felt the Monarch had stripped away forcing them to rebel. So when they came together to pen a Charter of Freedom, The Declaration of Independance and Constitution for our budding new Nation, all would turn to each other for ideas and support, to other nation's documents for references, but for the main concepts of wisdom and knowledge to build a foundation upon the founders would turn to God's Holy Word. Let's start at the beginning just for reference...'We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal..." where would they get that concept? Surely not from Britain at the time. Nor from any other monarchial nation. In fact, there was no other nation that put forth this concept of total equality of man except that coming from a budding nation...which then begs the question, where did they get this concept from? It comes from God's Word. In Genesis 1: " 26Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth,b and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” 29Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. " In this we see that God, the Father Son and Holy Ghost, made man and gave him dominion over all things created. He did this without creating a class system or a dominate ruler or any other type of heirachy. In fact, God made no distinction at this time. This was His plan all along, that man would work together for the good of all men and all things created under the sun. He did not elevate one man over another. But man has always changed things to fit his own desires, and so we instituted class systems and slavery and indentured servitude (another name for self inflicted slavery) and on and on the list of suppressive systems we have instituted. So why would our newly forming government feel the need to impress upon their people these "Individual Rights"? Because our new Government truly understood the high COST, in blood, of our Liberty and Freedom. Freedom is NEVER free. It is bought and paid for by those willing to lay their lives upon the alter of sacrifice to ensure that all may have the rights and liberties as free men, that God our Father granted to us, His children from the beginning. Let's look at this word, Freedom.
Freedom as defined by the dictionary is: 1) the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. 2) liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another: independance. 3) the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous. 4) ease, facility. 5) the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken. 6) improper familiarity. 7) boldness of conception or execution. 8) unrestricted use. 9) A Political Right.
Then the founders having fought for and paid the high price of Freedom ensured that our very Freedom was set forth as a Bill of Rights from that time to now. They attempted to ensure our true Freedom by limiting the Powers of Government over the We The People. Their dictionary for the concept of Freedom was not Webster's online or in book form as we use...their dictionary to discribe and gain understanding of the term was once again God's Word. Our founding fathers would use verses such as John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you FREE, you will be free indeed." or 2 Cor 1:10 that speaks to God's strength when we are weak. Psalms 118:5; Psalms 3: 2-3,8; Psalms 50:15; Gen 50:20. All these verses, speak about freedom but do not really get into it's being. That is why the founders wrote that each individual has the right to pursue happiness, and prosperity. What they did not say was it would be at the expense of another's rights. In other words, you can pursue life, liberty, happiness and freedom as long as it does not infringe upon anothers right to those same pursuits.
Jesus promised us freedom. True freedom for those who would follow him. He promised to lighten our burdens and cares...Mathew 11: 28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
We The People say, "He promised I would be free so why do I have a burden at all?" He did not give it to you. You gave it to yourself. You allow satan to use the things of this world to build up stress and burdens that eventually enslave you to them so that you end up carrying more of a load than when you first started. We come to Christ believing that all my problems will end with the conversion and that once I am chosen and a christian I will no longer be subjected to this worlds issues but like our founding fathers we soon learn that even our own freedoms are not free and we have to pay for them over and over again. So what we do is, we allow satan to take a yoke and bind the burden of a house payment to it, then a car payment, and health issue to it, then any number of other items that he can hook up to the yoke that we are hitched to. Each time he adds another item, our burden to pull gets harder. You see in this scenario, we are the oxen and satan is the master steering us around our own hardened earth garden, in an attempt to till good deeds out of our misery.
What Christ did was accepting the death upon the cross, He took all those burdens that satan had been hooking up to your harness every day and hooked them to his own harness instead. That's right, instead of you pulling those burdens through that hardened rocky ground, Christ did it for you. So now all you really have to pull is your own cross. What is that? Well, as close as I can get to that is this, you have to tell everyone you meet how you came to know Christ. Just as Paul recanted his Damascus Road experience over and over, we now have the extreme burden of telling everyone our Damascus Road story. And to treat each other as we would be treated.
So in light of all this, why is it that We The People do NOT want Freedom? We like Israel before us have been begging for more government and less freedom for years. We The People have been receiving mana from the government, in the form of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid/Welfare, etc., that we are complaining about not liking it and now want something more and different. So the government grows and taxes us and gives us more...yet, it is not Freedom that we are receiving but servitude in that we are now indentured to our own government. Soon we will no longer be free and all the individual rights that our founders put into place to protect our very freedoms will be undone. We the People do not understand what we are giving away and will not even know that the Bill of Rights have been completely unraveled until it is done. God will not be here to stop this as We The People have told Him to get lost.
The only question that I cannot answer is why? Why are We The People so afraid of our own freedom? It was bought at a price beyond compare and paid for many times over by our own Mighty Men. So what is it about true freedom that scares each man that he is afraid to be free, truly free? For if you would be free, you would be petitioning Father through prayer and fasting to return quickly to our lands. Yet, even now we ignore Him and say "we got this!" I believe that there are too many individuals afraid of death within this land. They believe that if the government were bigger and stronger then it could save them...but to each of us is appointed a time to die. It is assured. God will call your name and you will answer. No power on earth can change that. The only real question is, will you be ready to answer for your life? God did not give you a Spirit of Fear to live your life and hiding behind a government or someone else to protect you from life's trials is not what Father had in mind. He wants you to step out and Live life to the fullest. You will die anyway, would you rather die on your knees as a slave or standing in front of whatever it is that your battling? Get up and stand now as truly free men, not indentured servants or slaves. Father wants His children to be battling the evil one and his hosts. Therefore, He took your burden, so that you could be rested for the times of trials and battles. We The People need to remember our founding fathers and the foundation that they laid for our great nation. We need to stand and be counted as christians and free men. This is the time for us to stand as christians and pray together for our nation. To ask God to return His light to our nation and forgive our transgressions. We have to pay the price for our sins but that does not mean that our nation cannot be saved if We The People call out to Father.
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